And where the hell is the difference between all the players now if everyone can run around with top gear? why do ppl get the chance to get the same gear as me with less work?? and whats the object of an endgame gear that everyone can get in few month? warsoul weapons for example were unreachable till yet. It was a big…
@ slamstone why do you think did i start with cs? 'cause i'm rich and don't have better plans with my money? i used to play charged games before so it doesn't metter if i pay one of them and pay my contribution every month or play a game like pwi and transfer some money, if there is something useful in boutique. I started…
this game just sucks!! i play this sheet now since it came out and went through a lot of changes in the game. Nation Wars is a good new feature btw and i like it, not only 'cause of the rewards, but of the idea. I got 2 high level and full r9 chars and hell i had to farm and spam vana like crazy. Also i'm one of the best…