Ye i agree, my archer is 85, did gamma since i was aroun 75 i believe, and multiple times nub squads had to rely on me to keep the gamma goin on dw. some times, everyone died but me and the veno on double wave, and i was able to survive long enought for em all to come back. with food dew and charm of course, but i still…
Erm, Aeonite I got the same Video card as u Only difference is that mine is from Asus. and the game runs totaly fine. I now have the max RAM alowed on XP but i used to have 2g too and it ran as well as now. Cant say why ur PC just shut down cuz it never happened to me. The only time my PC would shut down for no reason was…
NNNvm i logged on my friends PC and now its working. I dont know wut happened really maybe i only had to wait for the Server to log my archer off .. i duno o.o or maybe i only needed to log on with anoter IP or somthin.