Did someone say...cookie? Coookie!!! Om nom nom nom nom nom! ahhhh....good cookie.Thank you.
- can try archer? They're pretty fun. Got magic and physical attacks. Pew pew pew!
Hi noobs, So like the title said, are you going to spend more time playing PW/video games or spend less time? wtf, i thought i made a well. I'll just leave that here.
"PRO" Why? Because i'm not noob.
above poster ^ is a girl in real life and loves me and wants to make love with me 24/7 non stop for the rest of her life.
My face is too handsome to be seen by anyone online. So handsome, justin beiber would grow size DD bewbies if he saw my face. yeah......
The person above me is a noob.
Pics or it didn't happen b:chuckle
Noob .
What is that supposed to be funny? HAHAHAHA!! fail. you're not funny. get out. no but you're right ppl are ksing each other in spiders. :D
Did you even play when on the first week? First day I played in Lothranis there was so many people I can't even get my quest done. People KSing each other.
What chu talking about? Lot's of people in new servers. You're a troll OP. a noob troll. New server rocks.
People in the new servers could use a nice CHARM SALE