NomuraAkashi - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Take my advice. Archers are close range so they don't need vit as much cause they rarely get hit. Assassin are close range fighter that WILL get hit. the build is 3 dex 1 vit 1 str, then next lvl you can do 4 dex. but trust me, assassin's shouldn't be too squishy. And I am going with light armor.
  • What is it that people aren't getting about this?! Yes Sin are a dex build, but they need VIT because they are also close range. Archers don't need it because they usually kill mobs/players before they can close distance enough to deal significant dmg.
  • After playing around with build a bit, I would say not. What people forget about Archers is that they are long rang attackers, and can usually take a mob or opponent down before it reaches them, if not, they have knock back to fix that. As a Barb, or Bm have you landed a hit on an Archer? Yeah they go down easy if you get…