Noght_Angel - Archosaur Arc User


  • As for the Super Cage issue, let me clarify you a couple of things. You need 2 Super Cages to increase your Pet Bag to 20, first Super Cage is for the first 10 and the 2nd one is for the next 10 slots. However, if you have already unlocked 10 slots before and used 1 Super Cage but did not unlock the next 10, I would…
  • just wanted to Reply as Sorry I really am just new to the whole Forum thingy My apologies rest of my mind atm is blank
  • Guild Name: CRAYONS Base Level 3 since 2009 Leader: Noght_Angel Director: Jamzees Extra: Searching for Helpful, Motivated, Active, non dramatic lv 20+ players. We are a friendly family oriented faction. Most of Our High Lvl Members have been full time players on this server so lots of advice and Knowledge. yes we do…
  • its my thread don't want to read go find another thread
  • awe Lady where is the Lady in that post and yet both start the name calling lol funny cuz you don't have a leg to stand on I was innocent & I proved it... 100% doesn't matter you both are no fun i have bigger fish to Fry no time to kill wasted on you
  • as of 6:00pm my time WHITEDOOOM received mail requesting additional information to Confirm his Owning the account. Shows that there are People out there behind the Multiple Tickets sent in *** Simply put the Leaders of Exhaulted could step in and just give the info These trusted Friends of 2 years *** But Quote:…
  • WHITEDOOOOM 103 sin)) Real life comes first our jobs took over Game time. --- you Leave game for a time. Key Member of this GUILD > Exhaulted NOTE: WHITEDOOOM 103 seeker > Where as " Exhaulted " was My Guild - was my Faction & my family for 2 years... The Faction Leader -name removed- asked if I would borrow my toon…
  • Jan-Feb 2013 How Many TW's did This "GUILD" ? "GUILD" > gets MEMBERS supported & invested - Coin in huge amounts > to Bid on TW (repeated every week) It was Explained by Leadership That this Help this Support of Members that invested Their Coin to Bid on TW's would Benefit... - Bid > on 1 TW each - week - for a - Year- ...…
  • - These Members gave 2-3 years of Honorable Service - They Gave Coin to Support Guild - They Were Trusted, Valued, Helpful, Caring, Hard working, Loyal, Noght_Angel = was Exhaulted Marshal Jamzees = was Exhaulted Exec. WHITEDOOOM = was Exhaulted Marshal Milllios = was Member GODZILLAROLL = was Exhaulted Exec. Dr_Abbott =…
  • ok we have 1 or more persons decide to create a GUILD What does it cost to Make a Guild Make it a Good Guild What Does it Cost to build a Char & your Gear? in comes Coinage - $$ 1st build base = /200 subs /500 emblems /500 mysterious chips /20 Big notes Total cost = 250 mill - $$ upkeep of lvling base= /2nd lvl=12 mill 3rd…
  • whom on the Arch server doesn't know WHITEDOOOM seeker or WHITEDOOOOM sin? Running FC's everyday he is not a trouble maker he is a Good Man one of few whom Farms Everything he needs to build his Char. I am 1 of many Blessed to know him This Guild of individuals whom Started their Guild calling themselves our Family The…