slutmuff noob !!
Hows it ?? worth playing or is it dead like archo ??
- ... Hm qingfu still plays??? Anyone here plays on Vendetta server??? !! b:pleased
OMGG obs b:laughb:bye
FINEEE !!! u forgot me b:cry ... maybe this ll help u refresh ur memory .....b:kiss
In every post in this forum popegaddi has managed to get himself trolled...He really deserves a Medal for such an accomplishment !!! b:chuckle !!!! When / Where are the auditions !!!!???
FAILBREAST!!! Worst Barb on archo !! HW u been nab !
Soochi Nub... b:bye Still trying to find someone to get u packs? LOL
excluding self proclaimed pros in dota like popegaddi all the decent players have already got one !!!
WTT Heals for Gear !!!!
evasion sharding and aps ornis
They woulda prolly asked u if ur gonna ' unquit ' after yet another introduction of ' new gear
Lololol ....reading Forums Is Soo Much Fun ...
The thing is ...zai sux..... b:victoryb:bye /Endofstory
what a lame shtty narrow minded viewpoint... Lemonboy/gal if u die in pk doesnt mean ppl hate ur fac..jeez Rion better start putting muzzles on ur fac members bfore they start filling the already dumb archo server forum with more lame stuff
looks like someone tookitwithhim b:laugh
what took most ppl a month to understand after intensive pkaay..some carebears got it in 1 hr b:cry what a waste of 0.9 months
u thought wrong b:laugh ...... ANIME > PWI b:pleased
Naruto sux ballz....GG ITACHI......b:victory also Mention the others b:bye
yet another Person comes back after Quitting..... is pwi so addicting?? :O
so wats going on .... b:bye
LOL ur judging PvPers of Archosaur based on ppl like Authentic and many ppl here are from HL or LC so suck it .... b:chuckle
Pve ftw ... i mean like doing FC . TT is soo much Fun who would a wanna pk anyway.....
Blademasters PvP: slutmuff TW: slutmuff PvE:any 5 aps Wizards PvP:BLOODMYSTIC TW:Proski ,BLOOD PvE:Proski Barbarians PvP:Santa TW:Zai,Fluffy, deadgame PvE:5 aps barbs Venomancers PvP:ice TW:moleu PvE:sage amp Archers PvP:Palse TW:Sooch PvE:5 aps Clerics PvP:lusin TW: LYf PvE:jst dont rb when bb needed Assassins Rofl even a…
i see only a archer and sin fighting it out b:bye
Mustang sux ...he cheats ppl by telling them maybe he will come back...b:angry
BM : Marauder / Auth Sin : Aurelidan (pro sharding yo )/ Nissass Cleric : Auerlius ( stun pots ftw) Wiz : Bdoom / Damner Psy : Kaboom / Vitanova( cuz i felt like putting his name :D) veno : - Barb : NoWheat Archer : Remo Seeker : Auerlikyan (expecting nother pro sharding ) Mystic : Herbbi Best Troller : Rion (Hes Soo…
2 clerics ...both can heal each other or one can BB or rb..GG
wiz psy mystic is awesome for soloing instance :P