they should make all mounts dyeable period. that would intrigue many. O.O
i agree. there should be a skill for ur genie and the mandatory class u have to be to aquire that skill is a barb. it's an aggro holding skill that keeps the mob(s) attention for a max of 15 seconds. u should use it in accordance with ur other skills such as flesh ream. i've been looking into this subject ever since i did…
then it will be a heaven to those already there. answer to my last ?: that he was half the man that the nurse was seeing. what would u do if arnold schwartzeneiger was president of the USA?
Granted. It is called off because it literally rains cats and dogs. The whole community volunteers to clean up the mess the next day and school is out for the rest of the month. DX Hmm... I wish I could get a ticket to see the USA basketball team in action.
stapler because the staples u can make someone choke on. who would win, arnold schwartzeneiger or sylvester stalone?
9.1k ftw. and btw on that post from Okeano's closed thread. what i meant hamsta means u a cool cat (hamsta) not in a **** way bro. x_x
=_= this is a funny thread. im sticking around for further posts.
MagicHamsta, u funny bro i like ya. but it's just people like Tudordan that i can't stand. sad i know. :/
If you clicked on Yulk's avatar/name,then you know that he is black [his photo]....I am white. LOL THAT ISN'T RACIST? gtfo. and u shouldn't be offended because what i've said that u claim as "vomit" is actually made to be a funny. i tell those jokes to my white friends all the time. meh. i guess there r slow ones in the…
lol. i apologize again. cuz u r right. there certain people who r complete jerks trying to put down others. and me personally i think hamsters r cool, but i hate wraiths.
racist. don't mind me calling u that since u just proved my point on #4. i don't care for yulk either as stated in my last post and ty again for proving my point. no need being a fool stating that i can only make comments relating to the subject at hand. from the following replies i get from people like u r, "hi i am…
don't go claiming that i troll when u basically do it everyday of ur life. ty.b:bye
@Okeano i could care less of trash like u either. btw it's a privilege to know me not right.b:thanks @Teppeii no that is called sarcasm. look it up.b:bye @Tudordan yulk? gtfo and check urself. im not yulk or never will be that fail of a human. im me. niteshadows. tyvm and have a good day. for all we know/ u could be…
plays stupid after seeing cookie in ur hand. offers handshake and slips the cookie in my pocket. XD turns and high tails it.
Page 3. ur dream is coming true. a group of gms QQ about not being apart of this thread and they ban everyone who has posted on here. they take all of the posters' characters and make them all lvl 1 again. they take away all of ur money and laugh relentlessly on how much power they have over everyone that cashshops. I wish…
im not going to say naruto because that's just 2 obvious. hmm... kuro kami.
uh 2 0.0? what was the midget thinking when a hot nurse told him he got cancer?
neither both r passed out on the pavement. lol Who would win? Angelina Jolie or Firefox?
shingles that jingles
ryu. main character of the story ftw! michael jackson or prince?
Pizza!!! Cowabunga!!!!!!!~ Xd
i listen to ambient, trance, smooth jazz and metal.
and spams like
^banned for being unable to poke the person above u.
cut it off. what would u do if yulk never has never existed?
this is the ****ing character u kept bragging about? this is ur main? ROFL. im sorry this is just 2 funny. i have 20 characters of that lvl and much higher. u really need some professional help especially having the name of "QQarrowqq" lol that says it all by itself.
that wasn't troll fyi. i am only expressing my opinion and with u coming in and spontaneously stating troll u just proved that u r not really that brilliant. go flame to someone else where.
this isn't ultima online. it's pwi. 1. lol really. losing everything eh. if u become a blood red named player or have 10 pk kills in a row u lose everything from being killed by another pker. 2. u can't pk blue names on here. they're protected from pking. 3. if ur a newbie and acting like a complete moron running into the…
saw this goof the other day while i was riding around on my anni 09 mount. this loser was just standing there looking just like a fail. *facepalm
of what? complete idiocy. yes i am.