well as it goes down for our tw squad, usually when 2 clerics it's no problem if one wants to run in violet to help debuffing/dding untill enemy base, then it's full focus on healing/buffing cata barbs and dds. not much more to say Aeliah basically wrote most of it in her first poste
i'm not gonna hope for a severe punishment for cashoppers. another thing how are you gonna be able to tell who got orbs by spamming the page like mad caus they found out about the glitch or those who got too many orbs by accident just randomly trow in some bans? even if these bans r for a short period they will still come…
just so you know =s some people didn't even spam click for more than 3 orbs seems it got quite glitchy near the mid of spams from everywhere
its amazing! i love it <33 thank you so much Miko b:cute b:thanks
man, your artwork still fascinates me everytime i look at it *.* have fun with your tablet, i got one for xmas last year, a lot of fun to use b:chuckle ill sent chu some screenshots tonight *.* doubt you'd have my last ones still
Meh i rly feel sry for clerics in nw, luckily my nw squad totally understands and doesnt rly expect more than only buffs, which i think most clerics should do and just dd for the rest
I heard essence of defence doesnt drop in lunar anymore, can anyone confirm? (if it got mentioned, sry im lazy to read up)
i would totally recommend the G16 glaive i got it like 2days ago after getting extremely pissed over my stats on the R8R glaive. I had the mold in bank and enough badges from just doing random full WS's over these few weeks. think the total cost for the glaive was about 50ish mil, im unsure caus my hubby helped out. first…
lol! this is so true haha, i try not to BB much thought >.< caus i don't afk a lot so BB is like boring (coughs full delta)
not rly much to do about it, i sometimes rly can't move within 8 secs because my computer can't handle the amount of ppl and so i lag crazily at that point being spam killed and charm ***** does make me angry b:surrender oh well nw is still fun so spawn kills dunt worry me that much
lights on just caus.... ^ the one above me turned it off :0 !
oh god... a pony thread here also, these things appear everywhere i log to D: almost like... pony invasion! b:shocked
^ does open chase on humans during his free time. o.o
^tried catching one of those bunnies for... grilling purposes o.o b:shocked
^made an FB page dedicated to penguins
^ collects clown pictures for some odd reason :O D: the image kinda scares me!
lights on, my cat is creeping me out Q.Q she likes to jump on me during night
^made me write an essay about instant noodles
^ Has a coat out of fox fur (bad bad veno! wearing your own kind b:chuckle)
^ Hates pancakes *shock*
would be nice but i have a block of math questions all in dutch b:chuckle would take a while to get it translated :p and meh for math classes >.< terrified for my math exam friday 8 pages of formulas and questions tht leave a question mark with me lol D:
*looks at thread* *closes thread* im following extra math classes with a lot of paiin :O ! so jelly your knowing this all so easily
^ is on top of the most wanted list
man wish clerics could stand more differently, horribly if you try taking some fun SS's with other classes such as mystic who stand straight with their body x,x
nice seeing some good pvp vids ^-^ i miss pvping >.< would call doom upon myself if id even dare entering pk with this every 10sec- computer lag b:chuckle
man so excited to see how mine will look like b:chuckle loved all the previous ones i saw from the others ^-^
lol... same here tht ugly green over and over, thought my seconde try to dye usually turns a bit better
let us know when you get PWI publicity in your mailbox at home b:chuckle
Hai Chris! been a while b:chuckle not much busy with studies wbu?
first online game i played back then, so just happen to bump to sanctuary. later found out there were more servers around lol <_<