To answer your question; Yes, this kind of bragging does occur quite often on other servers, or at least from what I've noticed on Lost City, having facepalmed countless times seeing the things people boast about on world chat. :)
I think that if PW really wanted to make money, they'd make unbinding charms >.> Same price as binding charms and takes 3 days to unbind (same as the destroying process, if you're unbinding it then you probably don't want it for whatever reason and so surely you can do without it in your inventory for a little while,…
This happens to me too. I've noticed that it happens whenever you use an immobilizing skill on a moving mob before it aggros you. Most common occurrence for me is on my archer, using Aim Low on that middle harpy in frost that moves across the room. It just seems to ignore the debuff and carry on until it wears off.