Nibbler - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I dont like bloodpaint at this lvl (48), but probably good at higher lvls, I'm not going to lvl it past one cuz it seems its just the time that changes. But ehm, I think it differs, one on one Ph defense might be better, yes, but against a group u have a higher survivability with more health. I don't knoz really anyone who…
  • So that's where I left my Pokemon
  • Unless u buy specific str stat added armor :p But yeh, that's a FAIL in general. For ppl who don't know yet...every str u add every lvl, makes u able to wear light armor. Adding 1 str every 2 lvls makes u even more squishy that an arcane build... In other words, survivabilty zero.
  • Haha and here I was thinking Sin is so fun and easy to play. My build is 4dex/1str tho and this char is only a few days old and I'm lvling like crazy :D. I have a psychic lvl 60 too but I quit that, it's a good class, but the low amount of skills, is so enervating, and I hate the fact u have to rely on the soulforce. All…
  • Dunno if this is a double post and sorry if it is, but I'm TideLord, I forgot to change my avatar :)