Newtha - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I am a crafting junky. I love it. I max my skill level every chance I get. Now that I'm getting yet another crafting skill, I couldn't be happier. But why can I have 200 back slots for fashion and only 80 for mats. I got herbs(40) mats(40) copper bars-ect(12) tt(79) Lunar(30) oth(40) special(38) books(5) others(37)…
  • If this is a Fathers Day thing I didn't see anything on forums about it. I am a big Gold trader. Do this all the time. I tried selling some gold today and it has a limit of selling 1 gold for a max of 1000coin at a cost of 20 gold, buying a max of X amount of gold for 1000 each for 20 coin fee. So no one can buy gold for…
  • Other players was PKing in cube. Had I know I had to watchout for PK-ers I would never have wasted my time. I left harshland server to come to Dreamweaver to get away from being PK-ed while trying to read instructions. Thank u for getting me mad and wasteing my timeb:angryb:angryb:angry