I went Demon because: 1.) Demon IH and Purify: Demon IH recovers mana, it is loved by melee classes and if you decide to AoE farm DQs from Spiders (what I LOVE to do), you will have a 'cheap heal' and you won't even need mana food. Same reason why I like Demon Purify, btw. It does not take any chi so I can save the chi for…
@ugysekell: You're a good person and I understand you. Sorry if others are rude b/c you don't deserve it but this is the internet, they can hide behind there computers and act like plain @ssholes (generalizing now, no offense to anyone). Just look around, you will see hate and rage everywhere. I learned that I better shut…
I gotta agree people have been power leveling since the expansion came out and I noticed it's alot harder to find pt for BH.. it just sucks for people like me who aren't willing to pay for power leveling, it's lame and for lazy noobs. And I can't play for many hours a day cuz of school, sometimes I can't even do my BH a…
Epic necro.
It means you have 3 more days to do alt FCCs. Then people under lvl80 won't be able to enter FCC. :P Heh... Hey, I can dream, right? I want them to stop plvling, it's so lame to rush to lvl 100. There are already too many high lvls who can't even play their class. =/
Heh, should change title to Cleric vs Mystic xD Mystic might have better attacks but in this game, magic classes are completely useless damage wise because of APS. so it is a waste of time to argue about who hits better mystic or cleric. none of you. Anything 4-5 aps, baby. :P you will never be aps. And on the healing…
lol, good damage depends on your credit card. I've seen Clerics with +10 R9 glaives and they have scary damage, believe me. =P
I hate Mystics, they think they are soooo pro cuz they got this stupid revive skill, who gives a Sins have a similar skill (Deaden Nerves), so what?! Clerics are way better in heals and even their revive. Who cares if no revive buff? We have been playing without Mystics for years and we were just fine.
Actually, he did. No wonder my parents divorced.
WTF. Mystics got many heals..... got revive skill. Shut the F up, please. Clerics eat Herbs nonstop in high lvl instances to keep your @ss alive, and you worry about 2600 mana?! : / I bet you guys will pew pew in FCC instead of helping the Cleric heal the squad because OMG I DONT BUFF AND HEAL CUZ IT COSTS SO MUCH…
Mystic as a main healer? People would miss the Cleric buffs... Especially melees, they like the extra magic defense. I'm 100% sure people will prefer Cleric over Mystic as a healer. Mystic might work in lower BHs if they can't find a Cleric but FCCing without Cleric buffs, BB and Purify... Hmmm, I can't imagine that. o.o I…
Who do you think you are? Just because you have a lvl 102 character that does not mean you can talk to people like that. Have you ever heard of forum etiquette? I don't think so.
How to make archer stronger? 1. Don't add vit. 2. Max passives, buffs and Frozen arrow. 3. Keep Knockback at lvl1 and use the good old Frozen -> normal -> normal -> Knockback -> normal til dead combo. It still works, heh. 4. You should have a strong Archer by now.
To people who say FCC makes all the fail players... That's not true. Weird, I FCC'd 2 characters to 100 and I'm not a noob. I'm a very good Cleric (according to friends who always want to squad with me) and a Veno who actually uses debuffs and support skills, not only spamming Venomous like most of them... FCC doesn't…
QFT b:chuckle
I agree with this and I blame hypers, they made too many fail players. I joined this game early 2009 and I dont remember having BB in BH59. now clerics must put up BB at bosses because barbs can't keep aggro and others steal it. sometimes barb's fault sometimes DD's fault but its sad too many people don't know ther own…
Yeah, but if I let them die, then I'm the fail Cleric. -.- Guardian Light takes a spark, not good if I'm about to BB. My genie is 50 mag, 50 vit rest str and I love this build. Holy Path, Cloud Eruption and Second Wind. Second Wind is needed to survive 'bubble boss' in FCC, so it must stay. (I'm a FCC freak xD). I can cast…
But if you listen to that song, you will understand why the person posted it. It's perfect for PWI, especially for PVP. :P Some people like to play God, or they think they are epic like a God. xD Just perfect for this game, haha. I love it!
Excuse me sir, but it's not gibberish at all. You might need to clean your wolf ears. There ARE gibberish metal songs, but I hate those as well.
Metal is not ****. But I'd rather listen to **** music than being a rude idiot like you. b:shutup If you don't like it, you should ignore it.
Thanks all. :o So Demon Spark gives mana too. I recently read that people prefer Demon Clerics for Revive and IH (heals mana)... I might go Demon. <.< I still have Cloud Eruption to get chi so... I'll definitely get WoP but not sure about the other one. I think I'll get both eventually. ^^
They look so innocent. b:laugh
I'm European and playing on Sanctuary too but I wouldn't move to a new server. I spent too much time and money on my 90+ characters, I have Herc here, 101 Cleric, etc... I really don't feel like starting over. Plus, most of my friends are Americans. Only thing I can do is what I'm doing right now. :P Staying awake. :D…
I have to LOL at this. My main is a lvl101 Cleric and every day right after logging in, I get spammed by 15-20 friends to join 15-20 different BH100+ or Nirvana squads. :P Not needed, eh? Suuuuuuure. b:surrender
No offence, but I always ended 1st or 2nd in PQ with no channeling gear. I am very happy with my killing speed, I basically kill most mobs with 2-3 skills when I grind. When Herc's Bash recharges I can start killing an other mob or even AoE grind with Herc. But I spend 99% of my life in FCC where boss debuffing and chi…
And you're just another rude @sshole. She was not QQing at all, just suggested graphic fixes in a polite way and started a discussion. If you don't like it, why don't you ignore this thread? Eh, people these days... *sighs* Maxed graphic settings will not fix stuff like characters melting into their mounts or parts of a…
I very rarely lag, and have a medium computer and connection. People who lag should not choose maximum graphic options, obviously.
Yes, please. The buildings and the landscape are ok, but some characters, fashion, mounts and even mobs look very awkward... Now that we have Forsaken World with better graphics, PWI would deserve a revamp too. : )
Agreed. Oh well...
Sanctuary FTW! b:kiss