Cocobelle's character is soooo cute b:cute <333
You're so sweet b:cute Tis a shame o.o Can't really use any other hair, as her actually a teensy bit off b:chuckle Next to her eyes there are strange protrusions the ponytail hides and fixes, for some reason it wont go away~ Zushie:|:- I like her colorscheme! <3 Though my suggestion would be to perhaps chubby up…
- where's the system dialog? Is it the same row as the logout button?
5/5 The only two things I feel are weird are the eye make-up, but that's my personal preference, whilst from this pic it seems her eyes are a bit too far from each other. What I love the most is though, that she looks like someone I'd meet in real life, and isn't overdone, if that makes sense haha ^^ sorry for repost, but…
Yeah I didn't like the ears, it's just weird that Venogirls end up with two pairs of ears @_@ Though I wasn't thinking Scarlett, your char actually reminds me of Gwynneth Paltrow, the same delicately structured face. One thing with lips I noticed is that the straight line makes it look disproportionate even if you have a…