Neferhotep - Lost City Arc User


  • If you are right with the "other game", then gb PWI, im more than happy to finally move on xD ... but i seriously doubt that. The queue thing sounds horrible. I doubt it will prevent mutliclienting. People who cash each month will just split their money into each account so all of them are VIPs and the others will log into…
  • Getting a herc. When Battle Pack sales are out again. Yeah, i know there was just a sale but when i was finally able to buy it, one day later the sale was over. So yeah, i guess ive got to wait for another 6 months to finally get one. Getting at least 4 aps on my bm, barb and sage sin if im not too lazy. And getting a…
  • was wondering that too ... in the end i thought i just had bad luck xD Spend like 250 randoms and got only light green, mint and one time purple for pieces that only cost 3 randoms to dye.
  • What about the "invasion" of french and german thats there every time because people cant speak english? I dont get it why people are offended by other people talking other languages in wc as long as its not harrassment. I, however, do underystand why people get annoyed by people asking "cherche mirage mp" when they just…
  • I think he meant he prefers to look at other peoples chars aka pixels instead of his own pixels/his own char. Or at least this is what i understood. Gosh, i have SO much event gold on the accounts for my SB and my femDusk Blade that i will have to buy wardrobe stones as soon as they come out. Especially the DB, cause…
  • I used to tell people to stop calling me "Baby" or "Babe" and it didnt work. So i just say:" Pedo or something?". I might be old-fashioned, but to me "baby" means just that: A baby. Someone hitting on someone calling them baby is to me as weird as calling their lovers "toddler". It works pretty good. Sometimes i just…
  • Male, because they´re hotter
  • Since most of my alts are already 95+ now or just below (92-94), im using it otherwise. I guess i will make a sage sin, a magic Veno (since my main is HA) and a Vit Barb just to try it out. I was planning to make my sin sage as soon as she gets r9, but i can have as well two. Or maybe im gonna make a pure Axe BM for fun xD
  • Most challenging? Purging r9rr + 12 in NW on my lowbie 1-hit Veno and see them dying. Getting chased by self-claimed top PKers and --- survived. Win a map 1 vs 9 on same veno because the others were just too slow lol. Also, keeping an endgame wiz from killing our flag-carrier as a 80+ archer together with 2 random…
  • I usually use names based of things i have a special bond to in other games and sometimes books. Nearly every character-name i have is based of either FF XII, Kirby or Terranigma with a few exceptions. I also prefer using names that dont sound english. Cause i never apply for factions in any game, i always let them invite…
  • Im looking forward to see the first people with the new classes with r9rr + 12 raging at each other like children like they always do when they feel special. Im looking forward to the first "OMG you N0obfairy!" "Im alreadyyyy BEST at the class so shut up i got r9 already!" "Go uninstall ima pwn you in NW anyways!!!!!" and…
  • I want a big, fat, fluffy barb as a pet. But since those pets dont exist yet, i want a really nice holiday ingame MAIL (not email) from PWE for everyone. And some GMs in a fursuit or wearing holiday fashion on the official pages.
  • My favorite boss is Holeen i think. I just love everything about him xD He looks great, isnt too small and the mini-holeen is just cute. Only downside is that hes pretty easy for the final boss of a dungeon. I also like Vipenalt, but it has a simple design unfortunely. My least favorite is .... Primal Fear. By far. Same…
  • No, cuz in my country we hardly celebrate halloween. And thats a good thing imo =)
  • I would .... - remove APS to 3.33 sparked max - make bosses more difficult and tricky so special Armor-combos are always need to interact with the environment, otherwise the boss wont die (for example, to kill it a LA needs to place bombs on it or something like that). - nerf R9 and make it farmable only (but easier to…
  • I cant get over things. When I have a bad picture of someone in this game because of what he or she did or said, i hate them for the rest of my game-life. And even when i meet them irl or when playing other games. Even more when they were completey fail and are now big numbers cause they kissed some ppls butts - I have an…
  • Youre not the only one. I was pretty surprised in the beginning as well and didnt find anything else than the "known" meaning .Ive only seen german gamers use this term so far and alwaysd laugh my *** off when theyre using it. One time i told one of my old fac mates to google it .... Yeah, he never used it again b:chuckle…
  • - Inside bh 51. I LOVE this place. Also helps thats build like a city already. - I have a special place in archosaur where i go whenever i sell things in wc or wait for someone. Id like to live there. Also to keep on spying on our loved butthurt-r9rr-PKers on Morai, lightens up my day everytime. - At the very end of FCC. I…
  • Moon Fairy of course xD Im gonna powerlevel them both anyway so they will stay the same lvl till 80+ but since i prefer arcane and moon fairy really seems to suit my playstyle a lot, this could be my new main besides cleric (Atleast till i got some legendary pets on my Veno). I will of course play both, but im pretty sure…
  • I... can somewhat relate to that *cough*. Although i prefer using world chat people and popular players just for fun. b:laugh Although its not like most of them dont enjoy it :P
  • When im running around i dont use my mounts. Instead i switch forms (demon fox ftw!) every 6 seconds. People rage because it makes them lag in archo and i enjoy this a lot. I enjoy always making people lag- Especially in NW ! Sometimes i just put out my pet there so people lag and die and rage :) And im playing bait. Which…
  • This is exactly the proof why removing hypers in fc is a good and neccesary turn, especially for lowbies. Thank you.
  • This is so sad ...... Im lvling 8 alts right now, all in range 83-92. I havent much time, so WHEN im online (what isnt everyday) i do PV and bhs on them. Reflection, when bhs are done and ive saved up enough shards. This gets me 1-3 lvl per week per character, depending on their lvl and time i actually leveled. This is…
  • Thats how i got my APS gear on my sin, my g15 gear on my mystic and several gear and skills and fashion for alts for doing it like 3 months lol. My reborns were in that range as well and so i got a nice income while doing nothing else each day cuz i was too bored. So this was my only income and it was very nice. I stopped…
  • When someone thinks hes a big number because he has "OMG endgame gear +12 !!!!!!" and because can say "OMG i oneshotted you so pro !!!". And yet reaches nothing in real life and didnt even bother to learn manners. Its okay to feel proud somewhat if you are good in playing a game, but youre taking to WAY to seriously if you…
  • Pff, there better be whole faction black list soon. My whole BL is already full of people from 3 fail factions because i dont know their faction when i invite them random. This would solve so much problems b:surrender
  • Spend around 400+ Mil on perfect chests, best thing i got was an immaculate citrine shard .... Joining NW for the first time since months again just to get perma-spawn killed by r9rr + 12 people of a certain faction. While our side was made of like 3 people below 100. And of course everytime i wanna refine something. I…
  • Best point so far. I really hope this will stay so in our version. b:laugh Also love the new upgrades for lower levels. All my alts are in 70+ range and questing on them is fun, but i have not much time and doing dailies usually takes all the time i can spend. With newer dailies, maybe even some that are soloable i could…
  • Although id have prefered a lvl cap and im a bit sad cause running fc will now be pretty worthless (and its one of my favorite dungeon design), this was a good decision i guess. Before that, i pretty much did every dungeon on my own for my alts because finding non-fails is nearly impossible today, especially pre-100. There…
  • The old swordsman you meet in fb dungeons :D "Rank 9 is for idiots. REAL power lies within the drunken ones. >:D" I always wondered why he is standing in every dungeon like its nothing and kills everything without even touching it with the power of wine alone. One of the best npcs imo.