The same reason I've always played. Nothing's changed for me.
They're character names btw :D The usernames appear when you're not posting as a character. And you simply click the picture beside the "Edit your avatar" text on the top of the page. Though from the look of your avatar, you have your character name already active, but the avatar isn't loaded.
I don't understand the question... :<
And you had to quote it all... xD
Wall of text incoming! xD Actually, that is a misconception. I do not "believe" that characters are completely separate minds of their own. I just acknowledge facts here. Let's review them. -Characters have their own sets of attributes. Race, class, and yes, sex (even if they're just pixels) -Players control these…
That's why we love you, Frankie. <3
A character isn't a face mask though. It's another identity, another person. Not just a cover for one. KrittyCat is your identity on this board, just like Nazera is my current identity. But they're not just masks. We're not our IRL selves when we're on these characters. Again, I'm not saying Steven is a female. But…
I'm talking about Frankieraye being female, not Steven. That don't seem logical though. How is needing to refer to the character as the gender of the player acknowledging that there's a real human "behind" it? It doesn't make sense... and Frankieraye isn't just an avatar on a forum, it's a test character, like she said she…
But I wasn't calling Steven a female based on Frankieraye, I was calling Frankieraye a female based on what she is. The fact is, Frankieraye was a female Blademaster. Always was. The question was that what sex was the employee of PWE that posts as her here was. We know now that it was a man named Steven. Steven being a man…
Rude? How? It's not Steven I'm referring to as a female. It's Frankieraye, the female Blademaster that I am. Steven talks through Frankieraye here on the board, who is female. If I called Frankie a Blademaster, would it still be rude? No? Then why would it be rude calling her a female? Why are you so offended if someone…
I'll never understand why players of an MMO bother with IRL genders. Are you playing the game to hook up or something...? Frankie will be a girl to me when his Avvy displays a female character and he will be a boy to me when his Avvy displays a male character, just like any other player/character here.