idk about u. but when i sent a ticket in. it didnt even take a month. it only takes tat long if you do not tell them exactly wat u did as u did it. saying "I think" isnt helping. obviously they have to investigate. saying ur sure dont cut it. to the op. mail another message. just a blank one. and see if it goes through.…
ok. tat sword tamer did the trick. tanx
oh. ill go try it out.
at least your able to get past the client. i cant even start the game. all its saying is "connecting to server" . im guessing its finding some updates, but from wat i know, updates were 2 days ago....wats wrong with the servers??
its been verified. and as far as i know. nothing else has changed. i dont use a router. connect directly to modem. firewall is turned off.
i already did that. found another thread with the same problem. did what was suggested. still same problem
im having the same problem. first time this is happening to me.