Give me a break. This is the stupidest thread I've seen posted on this forum for quite some time. Only the baby boomer generation knows that 'coon' was used as a racial slur in the deep south of america. I fail to see any resemblance in the two uses. People need to stop being whiny little babies and get over themselves.…
The rewards seem like they suck for all the spamming and hassle. I won't be a part of that. Hey PWE, why don't you just merge servers already and save yourselves the money and us the hassle?
An introduction as the CM would be proper, polite and considerate. Not a good start, imo. b:bye
I so, so, so badly want to burn you at the stake for this comment. b:angry Personally, my husband had a Windows phone. We both hated it with a passion. I had an iPhone, hated it with a passion. He has the newest iPhone, and continually looks at my Note 4 with envy. I haven't looked back. In fact, Samsung produces such…
6 months later and we still don't have a fully rolled out expansion. PW China doesn't give a rat's **** about the rest of the world. And PWE here in the States seems to be routinely turned upside down and shaken like a snowglobe every year or so. Try not to expect much from these guys. If you want updates, and cool stuff,…
Well, this thread got derailed. With Mod help, too. /thread
This thread is dumb & pointless. /close
This bot is awesome and very similar to a chat bot Narla was working on back in it's heyday to help assist faction members with base questions, general information, faction event reminders, ect. We never got it working, unfortunately. GJ, Asty-poo b:kiss
Glad I am not the only one that thinks this. b:surrender
It can happen if the public tells them it can. A lot of us have consoles....consoles that can take this game to the next level, consoles that we didn't have when PWI first started out in North America and Europe. I would drop the computer version and start from absolute scratch so fast, my computer would feel like one of…
Business as usual with Perfect World Entertainment. Keep everyone in the dark and hope to god that no one notices or does anything.
Deceptipoo should remember that, she is old as dirt. I miss GM presence in the servers. Such a bummer they aren't around anymore.
I second this notion. Half a year is a little late to let the general public know of the new expansion.
Wait, what?! Where in ToS does it say just because you chuck your money at a virtual game means you won't be disciplined or penalized for your actions?!?! This is the same Republican bs we deal with in USA. Someone always thinking just because they are loaded, they are untouchable. Dude, you used to be chill. Now I find…
You of all people should know that the GMs here enforce the ToS when they want, how they want. It is true that most share accounts now....but does that make it ok? It is still against ToS. Don't want to get banned? Don't break the ToS. Easy enough, no? I laugh at the people in 'powerful' factions nowadays who think they…
This company's drama is juicier than any soap opera. +1 Surtr. Nice to see you survived the 'slaughter'.
Impressive patch update. Too bad I just un-installed arc and all PWE games this past weekend. b:surrender Took too long...
I gotta say that TheDan, Regicide Leader, inspired my BM, Nahktuul, which inspired Narla, which was the Nefarious of Archosaur Server :) Thanks, Danny b:kiss
Americans work way more than you spoiled Easterners. Our labor system is jacked beyond belief. You guys need to understand: PWI just is not their bread and butter anymore, so they don't give 2 ****s.
Was in Regicide & Legendary on Sanctuary as RisenPhoenix before fishies came along, original races. Not long after OB started. Switched over and was one of first to play on Archosaur. Founded powerhouse Narla there. Long time I've been here b:shocked
I've been playing since 2008 or so, on my original account when I played on Sanctuary. I can't check my purchase history on that one, but I'd think it was similar to 2010. Looking at my purchase history on this account, from March 2010 to December 2010 I spent $1,135.00 on this game. From January 2011 to July 2011, I spent…
I'm just jealous I don't get to cuddle with you while watching the sunset. I think its bull****
:rolls eyes:
^bravo. This one gets it.
China thinks they can censor the rest of the world. Arrogant, but foolish. It doesn't surprise me that Mods have pretty much vanished. This game will rot from neglect.
like everything else? Yup. PWE does not care about PWI. They only care about PWCN and Neverwinter. That's about it.
What will I be doing on valentines day? Not playing this game, that's for sure. Not gonna play this game until I see a massive update. I'll be off playing some other game that regularly updates, communicates with it's player base, and actually interacts with the community - in game and out of game. Its my birthday too, so…
It all makes sense now....
So I've been around for quite some time, toots. I know how to use the search function. However, I did a simple search using keywords: DQ, SYSTEM and using username: sparkiesoft in General Discussion Forum Guess how many pages came up? Do you HONESTLY think people who have full time jobs, a household to support, and…
Here comes the 'higher than thou' response from non other than Queen Sylvae herself. Just because you have free time to search PWI's forums doesn't mean others do. My point on utilizing social media to post game updates is not a foreign or revolutionary idea. It's pretty common sense, and is implemented with most gaming…