Yes I did learn why the rules were there. 99% of them were for my own safety. the last % was just things that werent allowed in the house (cussing, screaming that kinda thing) but the majority of rules were meant to keep me or my siblings safe. and yeah we got out butts spanked and then after everyone had time to cool off,…
How is that slave mentality? I learned vital lessons about following the rules? Did I still sneak around and do things when they werent looking. you bet your *** i did. I turned out just fine. I truly believe that I deserved every spanking i got. I dont hate or fear my parents. Nor did i ever as I was growing up.
I had by butt beat a billion times growing up. with a wooden paddle my dad made. I dont have any issues due to it either. I learned that if i f'cked up.. my mom or dad was gonna beat my ***. So I wouldnt do that action again... I think people feed too much into the psychological mumbo jumbo now days. Im one of 6 kids.. we…
Lol did I say I spank my 1 yr old? No. I tell him no and move him away from what he was messing with and/or put him in his bed when he's throwing a fit about it. And I CANNOT ignore the screaming. I have chronic migraines and the screaming makes it soo much worse. Meds only work to a certain point. I can get her in the…
My 4 year old and "time out" doesn't work. Not if I'm supposed to stay calm. She sits there and SCREAMS "mommy i want you" The WHOLE time. The 7 year old is completely blind.. so a time out means NOTHING to her. Telling her to stand in the corner is like a joke. Making her sit in a time out chair is a reward in her…
If only we could spank our kids... I mean I do what I can to keep mine under control when I'm at the store.. and I will sure as **** spank their butts when I get home... But I cant just NOT buy food.. My older sister once gave my nephew a spanking in the parking lot, and some lady took her license plate number and called…
You know.. I'm getting a little fed up to be honest. I have no new dq points being added but i sold ALOT of dq items. Its been almost 2 weeks since my stuff has updated on the site. It might be petty but I kinda would like my points. I just spent well over 40 dollars on packs to get the new female fashion.. didnt get it..…
Is there a reason the patcher not only comes up as a trojan, but is also in german? Very different for me as its always been in english for me. Its also not doing anything... not updating at all even tho it says it is. been sitting there for like 20 mins and the status bar hasnt moved at all but it still says please..…
Go in and manually tell the quest to track from your quest log. Easiest way to get it to track in your side quest log.
Seems silly to say you have to be 59+ for any class to do it. I JUST did it with my alt bm at 55 with 15 minutes to spare. I just used a combination of hp pots from supply stash and the mantou things you get for the quest in your 30's. Ive done it with every class almost (cept archer and barb) at 55 and always pulled it…
I can never get the surveys to work... ever. But I did manage to do some offers and scored almost 30 dollars worth yesterday. Still waiting for one of them to finish. But I'm rather unhappy to see it down.
***From a 89 Seeker in Fc (mind you there was NO cleric/Mystic in party) "can anyone rez?" when told no.. "Im pretty sure the veno can..." ***102 barb at second boss in fc when asked why his hp was dropping (boss came unglitched) "I think its one of my skills" ***In ANY party "we need seeker" - no seekers are not needed..…
wow your old >.> 1969 was your last log in....... yikes.
I left myself as shop when i went to bed.... and the same second i came back I saw a wc for heads so I went to do that. then payed for another (never did that one due to server crash) I totally never even said hi to anyone :( so sad b:cry
<--- what is with that... first it said i was an 81... now it says im a dude >.< how rude! AND a tideborn... there is something wrong with that... 88 Mystic FEMALE dang it! lol
YAY I love to win.b:chuckle But really i love your face alot! On a side note... TY GM for a new update! One more hour.... I can do this! I hope..... b:laugh
OMG I Love your face too!!!!b:chuckle
this server being down means i have to actually spend time with my family b:scorn j/k i love my kids b:heart
PM!!!!!!I love your face!!!!
I dont want free stuff. And I know this kind of thing can't be predicted. I just think it sucks to spend so much money on stuff and not get any of it back. Granted, the amount I spent is no where near the amount my husband just spent. But he has a decent chance of getting his back or at least a free TM run since he always…
Sure would be nice to get some compensation... I had just spend over 300k to join a fc exp room. My hubby had just spend 1.5 mil for a trophy run and then it crashes... wonderful waste of our money as im completely sure we will never see our money again. :/ I certainly dont remember the name of the person i traded... i buy…
Yeah it sucks. I had the same problem on my accts. I had a shop up and running on another comp and i had JUST paid 300k for a FC head room.... barely made it in the door before i noticed world chat had completely stopped moving. so i had to force exit both accts... and the site here still says server status is online for…
Idk but my avatar picture has been messed up ever since the new classes came out. The name is right for my mystic but it wont let me change to the female avatar so im stuck as a dude i guess >:(