Mumish - Harshlands Arc User


  • woo desdi was a nice answer with all the infos yummy. yea i do have howl on 2 of my pets at max lvl. you are right, i didnt think about "developing the char" phase, questing around is ofc alot different then high lvl instances. wanna add here a bm should prefer using 2 sparks on dg instead of glacial though. i think the…
  • b:cute didnt knew that we were talking about pvp in here. because people were talking about healing same tank pet. this is main reason i didnt mention any combo about pvp. making a buff char is not a big work though. its not worth to login logoff usually, i know but on a bm bp is a must have. b:surrender i was just saying…
  • b:shutup i dont understand this replies. yea i know mystic is an awesome class. but im a veno for 5 years. and yea, i always choose bms to duo with. i do insist on bm.
  • b:chuckle well everyone said mystic but i would recommend a bm. *a bm is not squishy so u can freely use bramble on him. *a bm is a melee char so he can do awesome damage with this combo: veno amps veno uses ironwood (or redstone venomworm better ofc) bm explodes 3 spark veno gives chi to bm bm uses dg. 2 of them with this…
  • i dont know but it updated like eternity yesterday, and it is doing same update again today.. this lead me to forums, where are the release notes u guys are talking about?
  • b:chuckle here's what i think. I'm playing PWI since 2009 and even with the times i put a pause, it still makes lots and lots of time playing. Within this 5 years i have always found 1 thing REALLY REALLY missing. Merchanting has to be able to be reached online, without the client. For those players who has to build a…
  • crystalline magmite as for tank kowlin- as for debuffer b:chuckle