Thank you for your work ^^ I wish it were/had been a code... I have a feeling I messed up the log-in T.T (left another logged in by accident, and changed 5 minutes after noon (i guess)... so I guess that means the previous gets the stone? my fail...)
Okay so I don't know... According to the conversion this thing was supposed to happen at 9pm my time. But I left one character logged in (i wasn't at home), and changed to my alt (that I want the stone for) at 9.10pm... does this mean the stone gonna go for the previous character? x.x
I have tried the multicore thing, I set them when i started the clients, but didnt work. Then I restarted the clients, but then both had been set back to all cores. :/ I think ill reinstall...
Well, i had no problems with dual-logging until my computer got infected by viruses. That's why i was thinking about reinstalling. And we also changed to SDD-booting, that means that actually i have a duplicated C:\ drive. I think it could also be the problem so ill try to solve it by removing the old C: drive :) But ill…
lots of ppl seem to have problems with jones quest as i see. but there are several cases that can mess up the quests. here are some things i have noticed: The best thing if things goes this: you go to Jolly and take the 7 orders. Then you finish all the 7 quests. But! If you can't take any bounty quests, there might be…
i have the problem that maybe im just blind, but i cant see the advanced grinding machine anywhere. it used to be at northern pass but its not there now.... please put it back ._.
Hm... Psychics who give me SoV... Wel, psys who give SoV to any meele char especially barb... Peeps dont know it eats mana... Other sins who think they can tank much higher magic mobs/bosses and they run into mob groups. Archers who shot one mob in a group since they wanted to lure... Clerics who dont notice when their…
Well, I have always grinded, but I didn't do it for a while. But I realised that I'll need the moey, so i started again. And, I dont really care the exp, I want the drops and money ofc b:laugh By the way, that link is useful, may take a while to check every mob but thanks b:thanks
I cant log in either... finally i managed to find a good squad to finish my culti but then... everything froze T.T Please fix it b:surrender
Its not, i have 14/20...
What shall I do if i cant start the quest chain? Im lv41 and i havent received the pop-up message, and so i cant go to my elder... I doesnt give me any quest : (
1) What web browser are you using? What version? - Mozilla Firefox 11.0 2) What plugins and ad blockers are you using for your web browser? - Dowload Helper 4.9.9 - Adobe Acrobat - Pando Web Plugin - Shockwave Flash - Silverlight Plug-In 4.1.10111.0 - VLC Multimedia Plug-In - Windows…
I have some problem with Stormie. It deals metal dmg so its good on wood mobs. I send her to a mob by clicking on the Lunar Blade skill. She shoots one, and then run to the mob and start attacking with meele... Wth?! But sometimes she works well, only uses skill from range. I tried with switching auto-attack to 'off', but…
I'm not sure this topic is the right place to ask but idk which would be good. So, i follow a build, but i have made a calculation, and i would like to know whether this build is okay for 105: Vit: 80 Str: 295 Dex: 160 Mag: 5 I dont think i would get it exactly, cuz im planning to put those vits to str after resetting, and…
This helped me a lot, thanks! b:victory I just have one things to mention. I got the Heart of Thorns quest. I saw in this guide that the drop rate is 100%, hurray. I started to kill them, i got one drop from the first, but then nothing. I had killed more than 10 and got nothing. Then i realized that i had no more free bag…
Nice guide ^^ thanks I'd like to ask whether is it true that we can get the 'most' drop, so the drop rate is the best from mobs with level the same as us? I mean, if im 76, will i get the most drop from the level 76 ones? Or should i kill higher level ones than me? And another question... Is it possible to get to 90-100…
I can say, the game has changed since i have started to play in 2011 january... My first char was my sin, and when it got to 40 i started doing the bhs. The old, nice days and memories... I went into secret passage, and it was full of lowbies (not in wrong meaning), who needed help with qingzi. We formed a squad, and we…
Finally I got them! ^^ On them myst i got greenish set, and it really suits her! I love it :D On sin...ehm...purple top, almost neon green botton, and brown boots... eeww... I think I'll leave the thunder set for her, although its boots are also green and the coat is yellow :S No problem... Seeker got purple bottoms and…
Ooomph from Harshlands is really weird xD But almost all of them. TruBeauty looks like an evil witch from a fairytale xD And whoah, maybe im blind but RagedSoul is the nicest male sin ive ever seen ^^ He's so normal. Of course, he can't be the ugl-winner :D
I see. But if i cant afford the shards for vit? Would the 5 Str, 3 Dex, 1 Vit (or 6, 2, 1) okay for the two path? I think my problem is that i want aoe attacks (axe) and use fists together. But the axes require STR, while for the fist needed lots of Dex. And how can i wear HA with fist? I need LA, don't I? Sry for my…
I would ask something. According to Lyndura' guide in the Build section we can read that we can have mixed build (there is the Axe/Hammer and Sword/Blade). But what if i would like to have a build for Axe/Hammer and Fist/Claw? For the first i need 6 STR for the sec i need 4 DEX, so what do i put onto the VIT? Or is it…
I tried it and it worked! Thank you! I dont know why dont i tried it :) It so simple ^^ Thanks again :)
I would ask about some skills. Which of these skills worth to be maxed? - Power dash, Earthern Rift, Subsea Strike Do a sin have to be able for aoe damage? I have the earthern rift on lv 2 or 3, but i havent learnt the Subsea Strike yet. How important are they? Another question: My sin is 64. Is the 1968 pdef enough for…
Hi all! :) I would have a question. I have a lv35 psy but i dont know if its build right. It has 37 vit... :( 23 str and 10 dex... Is it really fail or it can be a good char later? The dex is bad, i know, but i didnt know the right build when i started to play.
Can someone explain what is and how to powerlevel? :D
I dont know if its the right topic to ask but can someone explain what is and how to powerlevel?
I just wanted to know the meaning of some phrases... I mean, what do they mean: 'Jail' 'Warsong' 'WTB Heads' 'DoT' 'Delta' 'TT 1-1, 1-2 or 1-x' I always see these on the world chat but dunno what they mean. Can someone explain?
I would have a question about my sin. When i started to play i didnt know how to put the points to the stats... now i have this I just wanted to ask that could she be a good assassin with these stuff and stat build? I think im a hybrid, 'cause i was told to put on vit until 35-40, then just dex, and str to the armor. But i…