So no RW this week??
Only now saw the thread but a big thanks for it Dragslave, good compatriot, wolf yeh we will always remember him for this or that.
Yes they always tell me to come forum quality Corner and post about my issues that they never solve on tickes.. seems like they just troll some members of the community but i know some get their stuff even tho they never had it before. And yes i so know what you mean eirghan, even knowing that i came and posted, it's like…
Dont really care for K/D ratio but the rest yeh.
Dreamweaver down too.
+1 even made a thread
I must agree its a matter of luck, tho support is much worst then before, the other day i got a GM that even told me GM's can't do nothing and they don't even send items to players ingame, i was like really, what a fakin troll.
On all my acc's cant log, hate to qq on forum even tho GM's say it on every ticket you sent, so theres some QQ, FIX THE DAM LOGINS.. oh i know GM's cant do nothing about it like they dont even send items to players.. TROLOLOLOLOLOL.
Broken, we probably flooded the server...
b:laughb:victoryb:laugh waiting on that dubstep b:victory
Nice video, hahahahaha some pm's just cracked me up so much.. b:victory
Pk on DW is pretty much dead and we can tell why, I do convoy on a daily base and I have killed people there by mistake with aoe just cause they came to close on my back. I did pm and apologize for it, if doing convoy and more players are around I just single target and do my best to divide the mobs so we all get the vitae…
hahahahahhahahaha omg...
I like BH EU and I don't find it glitchy at all, people is still having some issues cause its new and not all know what to do and not, besides the end exp reward is a nice add-on, not to mention that bosses drop ornaments that sometimes have nice value if with channeling/exp%. I would love to have a BH in nirvana as well…
Welcome! Godspeed.
f:sweat Grats to all the 105/105/x, I wish I had that will power to keep fc/pv, I need a break from it time to time, grats again b:victory
b:victory Thanks a bunch, OWSOME.
Archer: DarkSkiesX, Lidstorm, __Rydia__ Assassin: kemushi, Ehop, Naberis Barbarian: Jans, BigCojones Blademaster: RobMyth, WangZi, Slewden, Ex_tacy, Aelicia Cleric: Gwendollyn, NingXiang, Aeliah, Aikana Mystic: Damny, A_Raft, Cherries Psyphic: The__Sun, Mezk, AznBloodV, Anjumara Seeker: Tizanos, Iceblade, purpleseeker,…
Oh yeh, perfect reply.
Well of course if you are in PK mode you can drop anywhere on the map not just there, I am pretty sure we talking about blue names here.
Awee fidido thanks for posting was looking for it.
Rebirth is awesome. PS: Play more, QQ less.
People doesn't log off anymore, we just bot, server need an upgrade for the human lag.
Yes seems so, DW is at 33% f:sweat
Best part of 2013 was Primal world and the quests, awesome job with graphics, environments and gameplay, nw was really great too and of course war avatar system kicks arses. To be honest I am glad that game is so alive and hope some minor bugs get fixed like some quest chains broken. My favorite game moments are some…
Hi to be honest I don't really know you and don't really like the way you post either, not professional enough for a MOD, you say that MMO's should have communication from player base and they do, most of it its QQ'rs and to be honest this feeds more QQ and more drama. I feel that game is back on track and now we do have…
I noticed that and to be honest I think its the way it should be since the mob is resetting and has the immune to damage effect, you shouldn't be able to damage him.
Awesome job, love the expansion, the quests, the new content, the new features... Great job i feel like PWI is back on track again like never. b:victory
Aff some bad news on the exp thanks for the heads up tho.