Morandres - Harshlands Arc User


  • Making money is as easy as picking up everything that mobs drop. Considering we are a melee class, if you don't pick up the loot, you are just plain lazy. For Archers/Wizards and all other ranged class I can see why picking up loot COULD be a waste of time, but in the end it never is. Just put pick up to an easy to reach…
  • What Unconquered said was pretty much why WB will annihilate. With these new genie skills, such as Unconquered pointed out, some combos can be extremely devastating. Plus it's hard to say WB is not the most fun class to play b:laugh
  • Or go tiger, make sure you have sparks for fury, get ready to use heal from genie to get rid of bleed or blood clot. Then use pounce if you see stun, devour, fury, normal attack until dead. b:laugh What sucks is when you go against a heavy armor or hybrid (heavy/robe) WF. Then that's when every WB should do 180. With robe…
  • Truly a masterpiece love poem b:dirty
  • The poem is hardly disturbingb:chuckle
  • Yes, too true b:victory
  • DQ= Waste money on teleports. Go grind on mobs if you really want to level. Go do quests if you like to get some extra exp from mobs. Go do DQ if you like to waste all your money on teleports for some extremely.y useless items.b:laugh
  • Dagnatic, People seem to underestimate the WB power. Personally I think WB has the most flexibility than any other class in choices of build. I am currently using a pure str build and kill mobs much quicker, and have so much Pdef in tiger that tanking is just as simple as it was with pure vit build. I have also tried in…
  • Now we can take down archers in PvP much easier, surf impact to slow them down, then alacrity to paralyze them, then go human, stun and do all your damage b:laugh that was the only thing WB really was missing, a paralyze skill. Tell me if anyone has tried this on a kiting AR b:victory
  • Man look at that 50% chance of stun in tiger?! who needs or wants to max that human form stun (even though its longer) when you can tank, run faster and now stun! Pretty awesome for WBs b:pleased