MntMan - Lost City Arc User


  • Using the patch update directly from the application got me no where fast. After about an hour I'd barely made a dent in it. Pulling the patch directly from the website though and downloading it I finished patching in 7 minutes. Manual patch update FTW!!!
  • Just so no one has to scroll back to see my stance I don't think we (playing a level 71 cleric atm) deserve rep for buffs, heals, etc. Exp and spirit will amount to nothing anyways so it's a moot point. I mean seriously at level 71 getting 100 exp for a rez won't even register so why bother. No need. If we're healing…
  • Any suggestions for level 71+? I found the level 72 pentili look alikes, but none are grouped well enough to pull more then 4-5 at a time (They're in valleys and on mountain tops, etc. Not bunched together) Also the ones that look like palm trees look good, but they are scattered and mixed in with aggro mobs of other…
  • Well just to clarify my magic attack should be about the same as an arcane robe user vit build. That is if they are doing a strict vit build and not squirreling away a few extra points into magic. By this I mean for every extra point I toss in dex they put it into vit. So our magic and therefore our heals should be…
  • Perhaps I missed it in all the posts, but it would have been good to see the break down of clothing piece and color chosen. I think for the winners it's pretty obvious, but for the runner ups it would have been good to see that level of detail. And lest I forget on this post, Congrats to the winners!!!
  • Not to get into the robed vs LA argument at all here, but it's a serious question. If the boss is physical attack then what hp does a LA cleric need in RB? I'm a level 71 LA cleric with 2400 hp (I think. LOL. Not logged on so maybe I'm 2600, but not lower then 2400 for sure). As soon as they have a socket stone sale I'll…
  • To the OP the only thing that would have been funnier is if the tabber all of a sudden relogged just as you all died, saw you dead on the ground and seeing that the boss was so low ended up getting in a crit hit or two and killing it themself. I seriously thought that's where the story was going and it would have been…
  • If I don't feel like traveling to rez someone I don't bottom line. If I'm standing right there though I usually will, even if it costs me some mp provided they ask nicely. In fact yesterday I even went into 2-1 to rez a squad of guildmates because I was so elated on having wrapped up a long WQ I felt I'd share the love.…
  • Lvl 70 Cleric - Around 2113 hp unbuffed - Close to 2800 buffed I think, maybe more - Light Armor As a note most of my gear only has one or two sockets right now, but as soon as they have a socket stone sale or when they implement the patch so I know how many are needed I'll be upping them all to 4 and filling my gear with…
  • Well I just made lvl 70 on my cleric and was able to do fb69. As you'll note from my prior posts I do a lot of fb runs to help others and always give 3stars and molds. My only exceptions being if I had to supply wines, but that has not happened yet, except a few mat donations. It's just something I'm at a cross roads with…
  • Just to clarify my point, I am saying that if the tabber does not provide wine that's where I have some issue. I still think if 1 mold drops then they have rights to it, however if more or a 3* drops and the party or an individual who is not the tabber supplied the wine then it should go random or to the wine supplier. If…
  • I say 3* and molds to the tabber. It wasn't that way when I started and I lost out on some good drops back in the day, but back then I was happy to have help and didn't know any better. (We're talking closed beta and new open beta days) However if more then 2 molds drop on a run they should disperse them out or something.…
  • I love how everyone forgets how long it took them to do something and they remember on the quicker side of time. Or the same people who like to brag about how fast they level, but in truth it took them much longer to do. "I created a veno on June 3rd and had it to level 74 by June 1st. Was easy............." Seriously I'm…
  • Where are the Hexa Petille? Is this shorthand for the Hexakisses by Tusk? The next set of mobs like these I found are by the swamps by City of the Lost and are the Orchids but are level 72. At lvl 69 I only get 380 exp from each so I'm going to wait on killing these until I can AoE them. Are you saying stick with the…
  • 3865 rep at lvl 69 on HL as my cleric
  • That's also a good idea but slightly different then what I had in mind. 1/2 of my suggestion was to promote and validate PK between warring factions during the week leading up to TW. By creating a TW Siege Point system for PKs of the other faction during the week anywhere on the map (not just an instance or anything like…
  • Well as I said every member of the team needs to know their job. Ideally a BM, other barb or veno is good for watching a clerics back when there are a lot of mobs that the barb might have missed, but 1) A good barb knows when they missed them and either watches to get aggro back or tries to swat them a few times first to…
  • Always expect a party wipe? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume your wife isn't that bad of a cleric and you didn't mean that the way it sounds....b:laugh Regardless I agree in principal that they should have them on them (my new main is a lvl 69 cleric), but it's not always our responsibility to use…
  • Bottom line is I guess if you don't like it then leave. Not meant as an insult. It happens in every MMORPG I've played. People get bored, rant and complain, threaten to leave, stay longer, rant some more, threaten to leave, stay, rant, complain, ****, moan, actually do leave, come back to play again, rant that more hasn't…
  • Exactly what I was looking for. Tank you both for your responses. I'm level 60 right now. I'll wait until 75. I'm really poor right now anyways. I got the 320k spirit form my culti already and went skill crazy. Now I have about 125k!! Please tell me my money situation gets better as I get higher levels lol!!!
  • I'd have to agree. Sleeping a nix is a fail attempt. I get off one shot on the veno and then I'm staring up at the sky. Not to make it an anti-nix thread or an OP qq thread, but bleed plus immune to sleep sucks!!!!. The skill should work as it does on any other class. What next?? b:laugh
  • Good comparison to the car industry. How's that going here in the US by the way......... Personally I wouldn't really want to follow their lead right now. In any event your idea is skewed. You're talking about huge purchases, cars, that require large amounts of disposable income. Let's look at iPods as an example. Apple…
  • Thanks to some for replies. As always though it never ceases to amaze me that despite the fact someone says "Please off suggestions other then use Pheonix/Herc" that is always the answer given. Don't get me wrong. I know they are the best. No questions asked. However not all can or will be able to afford them. Source of…
  • As usual you're ability to add value to any conversation is amazing. Swing by the zoologist to read up on skills is great if you are buying from the zoologist. What I was suggesting is it would be easier if the skill actually had a useful description on it so for instance when you buy from a catshop or Auction House you…
  • Has anyone made the suggestion to GMs that the scrolls should show the description of the pet skill much like skill scrolls do. I mean when you mouse over "Bash" it says "Teaches your pet Bash". Not very helpful if you don't know what Bash is (I know what it is, but I'm just saying it's kind of a worthless description)
  • I guess I meant more from a PvP perspective as opposed to PvE. I would agree PvE timing is not worth it, but I can imagine if you see a mage or cleric throw up a spark then you know what's coming next so if you do a quick cast of Shriek to disrupt the following spell it might save your ****. Of course this is my theory and…
  • Well since I've been reading why not throw my hat in the ring here. It is a suggestion box so people should feel free to make a suggestion based on their opinion. Whether you think the person is an idiot, nerd, whatever is irrelevant. What would be relevant is your opinion on the suggestion. Oh well. In any case I think it…
  • Well by level 18 I'm sure she has seen all the game has to offer and is in dire need of fixes, expansions and new add ons to the game. Way to give the game a chance.
  • If clerics get exp and spirit for buffing other players then so should venos, barbs, BM, etc who also have buff spells. Personally I am against it (and my highest level char now is a cleric). I'm against it because I don't see it making a huge difference and therefore not worth the coding. I mean in a given day I do 3-5 fb…
  • I've always liked dual class options in games, but I don't think PWI is set up for such a thing at this moment and for them to do it would require a massive overhaul. How I've seen it work is that in addition to your attributes each class has a specific level associated to it based on what type of attack done. So let's…