MistMistMist - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • LOL.. did i mention that pre-Anni packs gear weren't as powerful?... yes i did. b:cute . if you look at Evil_Angel's gear .. you would LOL at PlazmaStryke's gear.. enuff said b:laugh so.. b:bye P.S. who's sadpuma? some no name noob before he cashshopped his way to fame? b:shocked
  • +1 the graphic is so FUGLY b:chuckle
  • LOL. totally agree to this. there is no BEST pker on HT atm.. majority of the people mentioned in this post are jokes..they only became popular after pwning noobs with their anniversary pack gears. b:surrender Most of the real good pkers of HT have either quit or semi-retired. b:sad Anyways.. good pkers pre-Anniversary…