MissViolence - Harshlands Arc User


  • Wow...I vanish for a year or two and suddenly I have this extremely ugly forum picture.....where the heck did that thing come from??
  • Who who who? We should make it a pre requisite that if your toon is female it must have **** that are perkier than Screamers man ****. All in favor?
  • Oki..np...I will take care of everything in your absence!! muahahahahahahaha.... Join IRONSIDES!! Where I control the horizontal, and the vertical, but mostly the horizontal.....and do the mambo.....yeah! Stuff like that!!
  • IRONSIDES!!! Where Men are Men and sheep are WORRIED!! Join today!! We pwn so good our enemies flame us from other games!!
  • I don't think thats noto. Look at the user IGN...gaymaninflorida....I know noto is a tard and everything but I don't think thats something he would be flaunting. Venasus maybe? I just think it's funny that the grapes are so sour that they follow us to a new game to flame. Yes....we are just that evil!!
  • ok this is a brand spanking new weirdo......Loki....I'm blaming you for this one. No one else has been here long enough to achieve this level of creepy stalker.
  • Seriously....you people need lives. Quit stalking Baja....you're creeping the little dude out and I am pretty sure that it's illegal. Isn't there someone around your own age you can stalk? Maybe the pope? And hey, ummm, pretty sure all the grown ups over here are financially independent. Theres one person under 18 (and…