******* >_< now ive lost the game :(( i was winning XP
hehe WELCOME!! ^_^ ull love this game ^_^ but i warn u: dont go on lost city unless u like to learn things the hard way -_^ buuuut, once u learn, this server is sooooo the best ^_^ people are so much more educated if they learn from experience, which ull get a lot of here, want it or not :p enjoy ^_^ and dont be afraid of…
seriously, Ben Afleck would be ashamed........ in america. :3
*gasp* muru-sama! we started this game at the same time >_< yet ure so much higher than me :p that is odd :3
hehehe good job Muru-sama ^_- u beastly man u lol lol
Hi Muru!! :3 i think we're sorta on opposite sides of this :p and ure the guy, and im the girl lol odd :3 thanks for standing up for my gender though! i loves u Muru-sama ^_^
hahaha i was about to get flustered by all this argueing, and then i read ure post Hisoki :3 i acctualy did that while reading and at the end i lol'd ^_^ but definately, it's just a game people :p besides, im a girl, i make all my characters with nearly the smallest chest settings. my point is: u have options, u dont have…
i shall do the same :)