Mirajane - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • you gotta buy a book near dreamweaver like dreamweaver outskirts or something from this guy. it costs like 50k and you need to have it in your inventory when you talk to an elder to upgrade to lvl 4. sorry i dont have exact coordiantes or npc name
  • dont know if this has been asked and answered yet but i wasnt going to go through 24 pages to find out >.> anyway i was wondering whether this genie system is exclusive to PWI because i don't think i saw any info on this genie thing on the malaysian servers and stuff.
  • i concur i want a fox mount too it will probably be like the hell hound whenever it does come out though 50 gold if not more.
  • mm i dont think it does but that wont exactly stop frost from one shotting people within its range i dont think. i remember someone pulling frost outside of its room and it went on a rampage from what i remembered.
  • theres such a thing as zhennin i havent participated in one yet so i dont know much bout it but i think its just a squad where you grind on mobs for a while. i guess dungeons would relate to the fbs cuz you get a decent amount of exp from them well quick and easy anyway and i guess twilight temples too. btw way to…
  • just wanted to comment that you guys seem like a pretty cool guild. liked what i read about you guys guidelines and all that. i dont really have any intention of joining a guild right now (i am in one right now but its a house so i dont get random guild invites) and if i did id want to try to be in a TW guild just to at…
  • sell yourself for a pretty penny
  • ya just commenting but seriously dude how tiring is it for you to type stuff when you're capitalizing the first letter of each word.
  • uh i guess theres the race if you want to make yourself dizzy for 5000 exp and 1000 spirit and a badge of speed ^^ i do it without a mount and i feel pretty silly watching all the other people with a mount flying by b:laugh
  • ill be the first to say welcome back hisui and id love to help.....if i knew anything about how those programs work and such. unfortunately even my knowledge on excel is limited so i doubt i could be of any help on your project but good idea anyway and good luck.
  • pretty sure this thread was for during the christmas time but its also the lunar new year sooo.... happy lunar new year everyone ^^ hope all the lucky people who celebrates it get red envelopes and help with donations as well :) thx for doing this reisha.
  • aww come on humor the guy. i think the best part about all this is i honestly dont know if this guy is kidding or not lol. he seems so dead serious in everyone of his joke which makes it more funny and the fact that its such a ridiculous idea. who knows maybe he's on to something. hahaha
  • that sucks. this actually sorta happened to me too because i was pretty noobish (still sorta am b:laugh) then and had no idea what the FB19 quest really was but mine ended on a good note. i had people from The Empire with me for mine and I was missing 1 or 2 more mob after they had killed the boss so a couple of them,…