Minny - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • xD Lmao, nice~! --to fix that thingie where everyone looks the same, click on your game settings and in a tab somewhere, put a checkmark next to 'customization' and apply/confirm. ;D
  • It's possible they're on a different server...and I think on Sanctuary, the cub is like ~400k or something last time someone told me. Anywho, I dunno the real stats on cub vs. frog, but I think cub is a lot cuter. xD
  • But isn't defected a higher level? b:chuckle Anyway, quit ruining my thread with flames...you're gonna burn the whole thing down until it's closed. b:angry
  • Ehh, Torm, you opened up my eyes a little more, so thanks. b:chuckle Blancheneige: It's the players who form/enforce a line...not the GMs. If the GMs enforced a line rule to everything that is has very limited sources, they would've made every single boy in the Valentines Day rose patch stand in a line all day long before…
  • I requested a name change last week for my character DoIl (that first 'L' is a capital 'i' -- very confusing and not well thought-of) and was responded with an answer that says that the tool to change names is no longer functional. So in the meantime, the answer is no.
  • I haven't read pages 2-3, but there is another flaw in this, unless, somehow, it can be changed -- but no doubt would take too much time and effort. There were names I wanted on HT, but I couldn't take them because someone else already grabbed it before I could. However, when I went onto Dreamweaver, I was able to make the…