MiniTank - Lost City Arc User


  • Well i wouldn't go pure vit only because you will cast those skills and you will be waiting forever to use them again. Mag on effects regen but i hear high lvl EAs have this build. The higher your regen the more frequently you can spam skills. Get regen up to like 3 is 180 energy every minute. Thats my thoughts on that…
  • You funny b:chuckle Zzzz you get on and all you do is correct grammar or say somethen stupid. Better question is do you know how to debate because going off topic on my threads 5 billion times does not say you do.
  • Mhm ^^ so stop typing in your pissed off cap letters. And prove im lieing or stop lieing yourself. I already proved what i said though examples and explinations. Of course you would just read the first line and say bull. I say prove me wrong because people like you fail to give arguements. And i amuse you wow your one to…
  • Zzzzz paying for **** with your own money is one thing. Taking anything that is free for yourself is another. And gz will enjoy the kos just another guild on this server to gank you. Have fun in safe. Makes me wonder how many other guilds will you **** on and **** off.
  • Lol? Yeah Spectral don't break that easy. I'm sure cq would love it if we did.
  • Hmm so it entertaining to make yourself look like a fool. Becasue i still see nothing on the threads where you actaully give good information or agruement on topics. And i said i didn't care what you guys did with the money. Its the fact you guys still get it.
  • Its funny because i was told the same thing about your guild. Hmmm guess biased people don't make good rescources do they. Thats kind why i dont just listen to people that just have **** coming out of their mouth. Biased people in my guild or any other guild.
  • I actaully know a bit ty. Not about cq but about the effects of a map dominating guild. Read that second passage of yours to yourself. I read and read i wouldn't put a agruement if i couldn't defend it. And if my aguement wasn't so great tell me this. Why the fk cant your guild give a good damn arguement back. I see…
  • Mhm sure cq doesnt have drama thast why we have 3 of your ex members. Drama is everywhere where their are people. And no what fun for me is for you is that you never can put a actaul agruement of any sorts. You Sit their and correcting grammar which is hellsa funny. Is correct grammer your only defence? I don't think a…
  • More due to your own guilds greed. Of course i wasn't going to answer that zzzz I never said i knew or cared what you guys did with the money in the end you guys take like 95% of the maps coin. And if my debates were not so good why are you still in them? A total lie but ok. The idea of become what you spent so long…
  • Yeah Drama always on the LC server. b:chuckle
  • Hola lol Amour trying to put the spot light on me again b:cute.
  • Well they can but i mean everyone puts money into buy gold. And gold prices rise with other things like when the value of the coin is lowered. Cq effects that pretty well. I mean 470mil free coin.
  • I never compared CQ to a individual. I compared them to other guilds. The money they make isn't making a huge differnce imediately but over time it does. You said yes this game needs a game sink. Well if CQ didn't horde the land then the game sink be greater. If the game sink is greater this helps the economy. Cq doesnt…
  • What??? LOL CSers? yeah i wish. I think more then half of the guild doesn't even cash shop. Zzzzzz get your facts straight.
  • *the curtain opens then a bombs goes off, in the lifted smoke he stands* b:victory Hmm lol you think anyone sends me to say anything? b:chuckle No forums is just fun for me Amour :). I talk on my own out of my own free will. I love coming on to talk about topics and seeing all the CQ get b:angry. And all they can do is…
  • Your not understanding what happening with the economy. :p Yes gold prices rise due to gold merchanters. Yes the event messes gold prices up too. But after these 2 things it comes to who has the most cash. No other guild can put out as much cash as cq does. Therefore they impact the economy more then any other. The more…
  • Angry much? I never said you guys use AH so stop getting all b:angry lol. And i know everyone uses cat shops. But what you are not getting my point. Everytime a hiero is bought after a hiero sale the value goes on it goes up. Who do you think effects that more. Spectral RQ or you conqueror. What guild always has enough…
  • Um didn't type that 2nd post????????? And yes common sence would tell you to stick to the thread but hey people *cough* xtacy *cough* don't always have it. b:chuckle
  • b:laugh LOL Nah I gave you the example and answer because you requested it so much. This time you answer :). And who said i knew a lot about cq. But thanks for the info, i didn't know they got 470mil.
  • Edited sorry. I don't pay attention to your name much. I just know what it sounds like b:cute.
  • Um i said AH, cash shopping, or buy from a player who had to AH or cash shop to get it. Xtacy good at english maybe he can get you to read more :). Actaully the post was about other things your members just focused on this. It definitely wasn't about grammer but you seem to love grammer so here we are.
  • Thank you xtacy b:pleased lol But trying to get my point out, the sentence structure doesn't always concern me as long as people understand. If I wanted to be lectured on my sentences i go to school. Calling somone dumb is a insult, just letting you know. I never told how the economy works i just stated one thing that…
  • 3,500,000 x 100 = 350,000,000 Happy? And its not people really, mostly just you. Yeah i would just make the excuse and say my brain is damaged if I were you. Nice more mocking.
  • Well if im missing somethen inform me otherwise you are just calling names. Thats the only way i know of how to get hieros. Um if you buy 4 gold with coin that gets you one gold charm xtacy. Just saying i don't know if you might of not known that. And still no answer on how cq gets their charms.
  • Nevermind tomorrows lesson will be about reading posts fully. And if you know anything about how to teach math you would know they teach you how to solve equations not give you the answers.
  • Um what? Maybe im missing somethen here. If you guys arn't AHing for hiero and not cash shopping then where are they coming from. If you buying them off people it makes no difference some where down the line someone AH or cash shopped for it. And I like how you call out your ex guild mate in a public place.
  • Um lol did you read my whole post? He said the guild cq gets 3.5mil a week. Well yeah pretty sure you have more then one 99+ in there. Here xtacy let me make it simple so you can understand. Say you have 100 99+, you take 100 a multiply it by 3.5mil. Mk xtacy hope that doesn't hurt your brain to figure out. Theres your…
  • Ah i see. I wish other guilds could do that for their TWs. And yeah i do agree on the GMs events but your guild still gets more then any other guild and still has a good influences on the economy. I mean if your getting hieros you need gold. So either your guild is putting coin in the AH a lot or you guys are cash shopping…
  • Its not that, im repeating peoples agruements. Notice i put a bit of quotes in this forum. And when i did anything change my mind? And lol xtasy you agreed with amour just b/c he was in the same guild. Like you have the right to say that.