Why does my avatar say im 103?i been 105x3 for a long time now! D:<<<<<!!!! b:sad
my crystals disappeared again today @ 1:30.I give up on this event.b:shutup
2012 xmas dress
You Guys Better Fix Nw Forges Omg
fix the rubberbanding please,i can make a demo and show you if you like?
derp derp
SweetieBot,why can't i log in?
I swear to god this game is trolling me.What happens when we can't log in for tw?
This is what you do.Log off and play a better game.Or every time the OP sins show up,just leave.You will nbever have a weak sin.knowing how every little asian kids loves this class lolol
R.I.P. 2X DROPS was fun farming like the old days.
but its worth logging on to the forums to say that.
sweetiebot How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
SweetieBot why no 2x drops?
thank you
that's funny cuz i quit this game when i built a new pc has terrible graphics.such a fool for wasting 5 years of my life on this terrible community and game.
Don't worry rich people never get perma banned on PWI.
PWI needs to lower there prices.So many items in Boutique are so over priced that it's dollar for a yellow dye,$52.80 for 100 packs,man pwi scammers.
i want dat mount! paying wellb:dirty
Free to play games are never balanced.this thread is spreading aids.If you want to play a balanced game,stay away from free to play games such as this garbage!Just being real.
uninstall arc,and just open the game from your pwi folder.derrrrp
I also dont see where am suppose to send in for my 5 year mount..wth is going on?
this game sucks.time to quit soon.
its about 50% chance to proc
this game is really over priced on lots of items.I dont know why anyone would be mad at making money.Plus it keeps the game alive,and players happy.
wheres the new gear?and why no flipping 2x drops!!!
so happy mystic pets don't bug out.
If it were up to me I would make NW map the old way.Wow im calling it the old way,and NW hasnt been around for a year.Stop ****** with the NW map and make it small again.wtfb:angry
I'm pretty sure they made NW map bigger to make it harder for you to get what you want.So you cash shop the items,there for they make money.When they do that they ruin the whole point of a NW.