Mimiroppu - Heavens Tear Arc User



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  • Thanks, everyone! :(
  • To add onto/summarize what's being said here: You'd need to change facial textures from Tideborn to Earthguard. The number you want for EG skin is 1122. So when you plug that value in it should look like- [Face] scaleFaceH = ### scaleFaceV = ### idFaceTex = 1122 Now keep in mind... You have to figure out the face values…
  • The Racy Lace hair goes so well with it D:! I just wish the shoes I dyed black (for other purposes) looked a little better with the white( I love that orangey color. It almost looks gold in that screen shot). The aqua colored hair looks awesome with that smokey white. Am also jelly of that stance... I may have to save up…
  • I'm actually AFK in the south Archosaur bank area (on HT server) if you want to look at it on a Psy @-@ it looks like everyone has gotten it in black... But I wanted white, so there I go D: No pictures for the forum... And I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to it b:sad
  • I am wondering if this should be renamed to something more the lines of "Bug Tracker"? I have a feeling this current title will be misunderstood by players who don't read guidelines and/or intros and use this as a new suggestion forum.
  • She certainly isn't your standard fare of cutesy characters we get in here! She reminds me of a vampire queen. Your graphics card seems to hate you, though. Those dots on the lips are not good, but it's something your computer can't help. Also, if you thin out the bottom lip a teeeeeny bit, I think it would look even…
  • This reminded of something that happened around when NW first came out. Someone I know lost an entire set of a random dyed color. The GMs told them they couldn't replicate the color and they had to pick from the normal pure pigments. They lost the set through a bug in the game. It makes me scared to wear certain fashions,…
  • I should note that they are rumored to be temporary. I think 6 days. I just want to throw plates of food at people :(
  • Well... The facial picture is a little small. From what I can see... She looks a little angry/tough. Her legs and **** seem a little big. The only problem I have with the big legs falls onto the pre-Earthguard races. The butts don't grow with leg size and it leaves a weird dent. I'm not sure that those get judged in this…
  • I don't know... I am a little partial to the top/hair of the new set, but I think the bottoms should have been pants and sleeker than they currently are (directed at PWCN). The bottoms don't thrill me (too... uh... out there to go with anything, IMO) :( but her character's stance makes it work, so I guess that's good!
  • It's not in our version yet, but if you check out ecatomb.net, you can see the first few ones that are out on PWCN.
  • IMO, it's an artists rendition. There are a lot of different interpretations I've seen over the years. There are also things I've heard about female ninjas only wearing masks and using their body as a distraction. Go figure. That being said, I find this to be a very decent rendition and seemingly close to what China has…
  • Just to expand on what Nariin has said... Only the original 3 races are able to edit their lip colors. Tideborn and Earthguard are unable to achieve lip colors other than their character preset ones. Same goes for eyebrow color. I only say this, because I anticipate the flood of "y i no can change mi seekers lip…
  • Ah, I see. I've never mained a BM, but I do see one in action, often. APS is strong for PVE and not so great in PVP. The fear for a rank 9claw/fist was unjustified and I apologize. I also understand that English may not be your first language. It just made it hard on me to try to read. I'm not trying to attack you, just…
  • I am having a hard time reading through this. The grammar is horrendous. IMO, I think that nirvana S3 should cover what you're asking for, ATM. Has nothing to do with r8rr or rank, but has a large variety of choices and when you're bored with it, you can sell it (if you go Lunar). I do think that a Blademaster should be…
  • Erhm... Did you read what I said at all or are you just mad that I disapprove of so many "omgz new race pls" suggestions? If you're taking this as a personal attack, you're silly. Am I not allowed to voice my opinion? Simply because you, the OP, disagrees with it? If this was another type of suggestion (like that long long…
  • They'll not pick yours. They'll not pick anyone's. They'll come up with their own and we'll have to deal with it. How do I know? Well, I've been here for a while. The point behind mentioning the other 59billion topics was not so you could Necro, but so you can see how blatantly over-suggested this is. It doesn't matter how…
  • IMO, people need to use the search function. New races have been suggested so many times, that we'd be super overwhelmed with new pixels/posts/etc if PWCN decided to implement every one of them. I would like to see new classes and races, but seriously. Give them some time to do so. This sub forum is often neglected. Making…
  • I Left My Heart in Archosaur Hairy Panda and the Passage of Secrets Hairy Panda and the Celestone Hairy Panda and the Order of the (Shroud/Luminance/Corona) Hairy Panda and the Prizoner of Nirvana Hairy Panda and the Goblet of Wine Hairy Panda and the Half-Geared Assassin Hairy Panda and the Frosty Hollows Yep. I went…
  • Maybe you two have alts you'd like to be married? I see you're a very impulsive person. Why wouldn't you look up every aspect possible, before attempting? As much as I hate to admit it, this one is on you. Nothing you can do, except put in a ticket. I don't think they'll do anything, though.
  • IMO, it's too late. The damage has been done. This game's best content, currently, is endgame. This would slow down the amount of players that want to get to endgame and blow their paychecks on R9. It would also cause frustration to the people who join up and want to play with their higher level friends. It would have been…
  • You... Must be new... You can obtain these looks though .ini editing and certain presets. There are several guides floating around here that can help with the process. Just keep in mind that body editing is illegal. That includes manually creating a big headed char or a super skinny char. Barbarians have a big-headed…
  • One: Damn you. Now I want to play RO :'( Two: That's.... Kind of what anni packs are for. Higher rate for things like Scroll of Tome, etc.
  • Going to have to agree with this. ^ The developers usually bite off of other games. Look at the Savant's dress, the Untamed mount that looks like Toothless, etc. The best you can do is find a way to make it work. The parakeet fashion isn't a dress or very ****. There are a few fashions that aren't very ****. Honestly, they…
  • What about the Christmas sock :(?
  • Errh... Honestly? Cute suggestion, but there are other ways to get makeover scrolls besides DQ points. Token exchange in the PW Boutique NPC, cash shop (even I wouldn't go there) and a quest that gives one free makeover scroll. I think you might have said that in your first post, but I can't really figure out what you're…
  • All of those sets are either obtainable in-game (through packs, boutique or events) or already requested on the first page. b:surrender
  • Ajhajdjbfusbcjnnk!!! I loooooove that fash with the maid apron b:shocked its like your char was made to wear that hair! Very nice! b:victory
  • I honestly didn't think of that. I'm just getting tired of seeing so many similar topics, floating around in here. The bug reports I receive, now that I have a new comp, are becoming numerous. I'd rather that get fixed over anything else. @ OP- it's nothing against you. Just feel that too many topics about the same things…
  • When PWCN decides to upgrade their graphics, they will do it. We don't control what content or patches we get. They do. This has been suggested a bit. I wish people had more patience.
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