Lol - good luck with the slow descendant to solism. I won't waste anymore time trying to argue here - if you don't even know the difference from discussing and stating facts, I really wish you good luck in continuing this thread. Succesfull troll is succesfull? Gratz - you caught my attention quite a long time.
Hmm - again, right.. Of course exactly THAT part was the only thing that sprang to your eyes. I thought you wrote earlier that you read UNTILL that part - meaning you read 3/4 of my post. Don't start contradicting yourself. Also - I am not arguing politics - I am stating facts. I am arguing economics since that's what this…
So you mean to tell me that you lost interest in a response to the subject you started when that response was directly related to the subject - even though other people found it interesting? And you mean to tell me that you read 3/4 of it and then you decided to not read anymore and the whole respond was useless? As I said…
Very true, I did - and it just tells something about you that you don't even want to read a response on the subject you're discussing. Anyone who posts also knows that it's not specifically a matter of the length of the post - rather the quality and arguments in it. And apparently you read my post since you read the piece…
Lol say what? Socialism is one of the 3 cornerstones in parlamentaric democracy - Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism. Socialism is not a precursor to communism since communism, as I mentioned in my earlier post (which you didn't respond to for some reason), is democratic centralism; not parlamentaric democracy. Socialism…
Haha, +1 to the last part! Seriously though - to get facts straight (The following is for the OP): 1) Russia is a semi-presidential federation divided into 2 different houses of parlaiment. If you still live 30-50 years ago, then no wonder you can't keep up the facts. 2) Communism is, more precisely, democratic centralism.…
*Confused at those last 2 posts, but wanna bump the original message
*Bumps true post
PWI will go on, in one way or the other - sadly, much of the fun for me has gone. That's why I moved to new games, trying one after the other including different PW versions. Didn't really like the OP ones with 1000x rates and so on, but finally found one that has a great balance - much much better than PWI had at it's…
At some point they decided to announce "Nuclear Launch Detected!" While I was grinding with a friend - both of us laughed pretty hard at that...
Hmm - mat farming isn't only for venos - last time I checked mounts don't discriminate depending on race... It's a question of knowing your route
Considering it's just been released, there may be a few glitches. One thing is testing it beforehand - another is letting it out for thousands of users. Really great solution! I can only approve (Gotta get Mysterious Chips now...)
Voted Krisnda. Even though I cannot understand who Zoe came on the list, I am surprised how negative people are - or rather, I am surprised how they keep posting their negativity towards this vote in here again and again instead of once and for all posting their opinnion and leaving it at that. Well, perhaps just me tired…
Bump b:avoid
Sad to see that more people are leaving, but it was rather inevitable the way things are going... Hope to see your humor once in a while though!
Hmm, didn't have the patience to read all replies, and you probably already acted - anyways, here goes my 5 cents (Yep, I'm poor): Honesty. Quite simple. There is no reason to keep pretending you are someone you are not! First of all because you then decieve the friends you have gained - second of all, and more…
Yeah, happy anniversary! And even though QQ and rage is so normal and justified, these days deserve some peace from it. A new year - a new chance - a new hope! A chance for recreation. Can't wait to see what happens the next months! Again - happy anniversary!
Indeed, but in DQ you can get the black horse WITHOUT flames at speed 11 maxed (I have it, but I didn't do the DQ for it). Personally I prefer that, but it's a matter of preferance. If you want something economical, just get the cheapest 11 speed mount you can find... And indeed, it is worth more - much more - selling your…
+1 The simple truth is that this is indeed a way to solve the problem - but it is a bad solution, since it doesn't remove the problem itself, and actually backfires. Instead of helping the economy it makes it even more dependant on Cash-shopping. The packs are undisputidly the nr. 1 reason why the economy is so out of…
Erhm.... I wouldn't suggest taking this too seriously - given the fact that I believe our dear Faction leader had a bit of fun and given the fact that not even 5 people will probably be online at that time lol. <--- Just got told right now that we have a TW soon lol... Always funny with random actionsb:laugh
Hmm - how to delete posts??? This one was never meant to be posted lol...
Okay, my 25 oere (yes, I'm danish, and I know we just got rid of that coin)... The game is based in China - China does not support homosexuality in marriages. The devs does not wish to change it now. It won't happen. Should it happen anytime at all, it is NOT because more posts are being posted on this. When people state…
I agree! Nothing better than being helped by someone. Especially for something that means so much. But honestly - just the feeling that someone would put out time to help you and just give you some helpful advice is a great thing. Also, for us high-levels: It is really a great feeling sharing experience and helping…
Ah, the good old days... When gold sold for 100k, and I bought my first GG charm... I was so damn happy! Was a very special feeling. Now I swallow them too damn fast lol! Anyways... Back on subject - Crafting has never had any practical significance besides leveling crafting skills to make high level gear. As such I…
Hmm... Interesting that all of us that takes thing in a slow pace seem to understand our toons so much better than all you who don't... At any time knowing your toon through countless hours of play is a thousand times more worth than super equipment or high levels... And Michael is right - you didn't answer the question.…
Ty ty - goggled it too. And I had tried to search, but I searched "gear machine", and that didn't give me much results - I think I checked 25 posts or so before posting this.