Sale Start Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2013 @ 1:00 AM Server Time Sale End Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2013 @ 1:00 AM Server Time So sale ends the moment it starts?b:dirtyPWI u naughty bishs
What do people of Perfect World eat? Bullsh1t from the powers at be b:kiss
nope no trolling if ppl read every once in awhile they would have noticed the red system message saying.... x2 has been extended for the week enjoy!!!
level70 = 2 days level 100 = (1 week - 2 weeks) all depends on ur wallet size and how much time u invest
'Perfect World Legend' b:scorn
well u know fuzzy does suck gms nuts and all, but I play a 101 BM and have fairly decent gear oh wait not anymore i don't since the update now my nirv gears and rank is failed yet again fvck u pwi, but anywho, as i said i have fairly decent gears (nirv axes claws 4/6 armor set) and that isn't good enuff now because NOW…
damn only 7 day ban for exploiting a glitch, but yet funny how u banned me for having a similar name as someone else and you GM's tell me I was Impersonating another question is 1st off how the *** can u get me for having a similar name when there is almost 4 different Chars out there named (Hell) all cloned…