Mounts hide heads in shame (guess thats what happens when they ****?)
Never ask a GM how to ride a mount
Mounts Today are "out of order"
WTB a new mount head please!
If your a perv....Insert here
How will we ever feed them again?
What will our wives think!?!?!
Most Embarresing moments....Get stuck in a wall
Another form of quicksand....Quickwall??
If you were a wall, what would you like stuck on you?
How do we get out?
If your stuck, hit the "I'm Stuck" button
GM are you sure its this way? I would like my quests done today!
Think we gonna be here, alooong time!
Gm Hacks Wall Glitches!!
When did horses and raptors become an ostridge???
"GM figures theres a way to cheat through the labriynth"
"Mounts perv day!" But Tikana wanted to join in too