SOME high levels worked hard for those levels b:laugh
Too many oracle **** on forums these days.
Only other thing i've figured out is use that apoth pot that cuts dmg in half(forget the name aint been on for a while)after hood runs out,ups your time to grab the mobs/buff herc/heal to 30 secs with relative safety.
Funny statement,considering everyone goes running to the venos to tank their tt's to keep their expenses down and speed the boss fights up,or when barbs and clerics who had already got first pick on all their runs and have their gears finished are suspiciously no where to be found b:laugh AND still get shafted by snotty…
(10 chars)
Now now,we can't forget about the REAL girls playing this game,some of whom are real pariahs in their factions and will do anything to get their mats and handouts from everyone else,some very well known ones on HT b:chuckle
The majority got fed up of making fun of you,your reputation is well known,or left the mess this game has become. Besides how many times have i called you out on your complete lack of pvp ability(not just me either)and yet you still go on and on and onnnnn about how great you are and how **** everyone else is even though…
Something i learned from this debacle is no matter how good a f2p game begins,(and pwi began good it has to be said)((infact i don't see why they started with all these sales i honestly thought they were doing well in revenue))it will end with costing more than a p2p just to compete with other cash shoppers,infact this…
Thast why he owns most of you interms of forum posts,his are interestingly funny.
Dude,at least our football is actually played by kicking the thing(with our feet!)your football involves humping each others legs for long periods in the game and handling a ball every now and then b:chuckle
I wouldn't be the first to experiment.
Bloody yanks,it was FOOTBALL not SOCCER long before your FOOTBALL version was invented,so call it its proper name...and rugby>your FOOTBALL or should i say your SOCCER because you big wussies run around with more padding on than you'll find in kylie minogues bra b:angry
Don't need to write boycot or anything similar,everyone knows economies been given a hydrogen bomb up the jacksie and gm's can't fix it now or remove all those endgame items,personally just npced 50mils worth of gear,**** pw the game and **** the incompetent jackoffs who run it.
Bull,if the gm's wanted to make sure gold stayed low and wasn't set upon by greedy players they would have made anniversary packs buyable with coin or gave them free to every player someway,gm's=as bad if not worse than the sellers. Even with jolly jones they had a high cap of 100k on each angel,and they learned from their…
Pay me anniversary boxes and i'll think about it
You people are **** beyond belief,the GM's keep messing up the economy over and over again,and you all keep crawling out of the woodwork with your"it aint their fault its ours"posts,whats it going to take before you finally get it through your thick skulls it is...o **** it your all just incredibly stupid its like dealing…
What i'd like to say about the GM's right now would earn me a lengthy ban sadly.
Devs should make the apoths available to make for all,that'd teach em.
Ok its just a pain in the **** now,GM can one of you just make a trip to our cs npc?EVERY catshop there bar one is clearly scamming,just ban the account and all its items/money outright please,thankyou b:pleased(i can dream)
Yeah cause hiding behind a lvl 1 alt while saying double posting is annoying really means something....
Lol,thats nerdism at its height that is.
Have just as much magic as light armour build and can do any boss a magic build can do solo. If you keep all gear up to date that is...
Theres a lot of stuff happens in pvp server,but the trick is to not let the stuff upset you and stuff,just go do different stuff and come back to your other stuff later when pkers are done stuffing your stuff up ya dig? What can i say,i'm an intellectual.
You know if this was enforced strictly and people bothered to report account sharers,you'd have half of pwi's playerbase banned within the day,i know more who share with family and friends constantly than don't:P
Ok i guess my servers just a freak occurence then b:surrender
I like asians on this game,none(well most)don't put azn in their char name,thats good in my book. First game i've played infact where the majority of asians aren't called lilazn or aznpwn or batmanazn or captainazn or bigazn or appleazn or orangeazn or wheatgrainisgoodforyourhealthazn,kudos to the pw asians.
Mobs are not exp to me,they are just small safe deposit boxes to be cracked open.
I wish i could be a barb and be on every world boss hunt/tt and get first pick and rebirth my **** off for crazy fast levelling WHEN IT MATTERS later ingame,have it easy in pvp where its possible to tank a gang of pkers and their extended families oh and be extremely sarcastic and hatefull to those nasty venos because i'd…
Personally if i made a 100/100 zeal i wouldn't let it go for anything less than 50mil,otherwise i'd keep and use it either way suits me :)
Not supposed to bye bye until you find out if there are any or not,now they wont bother replying cause you've buggered off.