everyone has the freedom to choice who they would like in their squads. After saying that i have noticed that there is alot of factions and squads who only want 3 to 4 aps. I'm a sin the most none wanted player unless you are level 100+. how are lower levels suppose to get nirvana exp. when no one really prefers them. I…
pwi boutique agent does not redeem cage for expansion, banker does not either one does clothes other does bank stash. i need to know how to expand pet bag with a pet trainer when there is no slot for exchange cage for more slots. thanks 4 trying to help me any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I was wondering about squads and factions too. I get request for joining factions, it is really hard to decide right then and there, I don't know who they are sometimes I don't even see who is requesting me to join. I get no info on the requester and usually say no. I would like to join a faction but i just would like a…