Mechanism - Archosaur Arc User



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  • Posting this thread in multiple forums will not help your case. Nor would it help the developers very much if everybody spammed the ticketing system with requests for such a thing to be implemented. If you want a character on another server. Roll one. Do not make the Forum Moderators jobs any more difficult than they can…
  • Apparently, Asheera, she asked for a squad, but was not granted one. Whether she asked or simply sent a random invite is unknown. However, with the abrasive behavior displayed openly here in the forum from only one party, it is most likely [Hypothetically Speaking - This Is Not A Reference to Actual Events] was a random…
  • I am not quite sure here, but, I am at least 80% convinced, that nobody is going to complain if you change your game style. Unless perhaps of course if you changed it drastically, oracled/hypered to 105 and beat everybody in a duel, and then perhaps paid to have your friends levelled just as high, started a faction for…
  • First of all, how do you know she's training her pet? How then though do We know she's training her pet? And, if it's the arrogance of the reply which so has you flustered, complain about that, not another reason to vent your frustrations on the forum. As for the GMs, not really a joke, they have plenty of things they need…
  • Chic_Sigh, has it perhaps not occured to you, that maybe there is a chance, just maybe, that the veno is among the powerlevellers, and as you do, also has the quest for them? In order to avoid aggro some Venomancers fly and attack from the air, Huggy Hares however are a ranged attacker and as such cannot be glitched in…
  • As a matter of fact, the planet Earth, on which you reside, has more than one satallite (moon). The definition being 'one of orbit' in the same way Earth is to the Sun. Only one of these is known as The Moon, or Lunar. 1. Luna (Primary natural satallite, "the Moon") 2. 3753 Cruithne (Orbit: 19.8°) 3. 2002 AA29 (5.9 million…
  • TW times could do with rescheduling, at least, in the view that not all of the PW population are from North America, granted, the servers are stationed there, but given that a large proportion of the players are also european, the TW times make it unable for a majority to attend, given work, school or other issues keeping…
  • Mechanism: A means to bring about whatever outcome is required. In sociology; a mechanism is a set of rules designed to bring about a certain outcome through the interaction of a number of agents. In biology; a mechanism is part of an answer to a question about why some object or process occurred. Within a machine or…
  • Again, people only pick up on the one thing you say, rather than reading the post as a whole. Well, no, probably reading the post as a whole, but only actually reading the parts they wanted to hear. No drama toward Impulse, just the following, set out simpler. Simply ensuring that DarkSoL know any verbal agreement they may…
  • No, actually, it's to TURN, like you'd turn your head, not to strafe.
  • Though I enjoyed the TW very much. I have to say that I found myself laughing at the editing of the video. Firstly, a notable lack of effort to include at least one song. Secondly, which I feel may be slightly more important, is the epic editing that fails to include the entire TW, notifying that their factions crystal had…
  • I don't know whether this helps answer your question a little, but it would seem a suggestion that might make it somewhat easier for some people. My younger brother plays Perfect World and he doesn't do too well turning with a mouse, so he asked what he could do to enable him to look in another direction, rather than run…
  • For any interested parties, our forums have moved to but our website holds the same original address Update: We Have Land. Courage Path; Held By: Enemy
  • A new race may be possible in a near release as it is. The same way clues were layed to the release of the Tideborn, such as the page splash images, there are other clues in place. For instance, should you incorrectly put in a URL that was removed, such as the server pvp or level ranking, or like me you had the ranking…
  • While I'm unsure of the actual specifics, as such things have never been cleared up as to the "How?" I believe it would probably make most sense if they were actually hiring. But to release that particular vacancy, the amount of forum user requests for a position they would recieve would more than likely be immense, not to…
  • Predictions for first weeks TW: 1. How many factions do you think will take land? - Going purely off the way things went on Harshlands when it opened, I'd go for 4 Impulse, Ashuras, Templar and Narla, I believe they all have a decent enough chance. 2. Who do you think will take red? - Since it appears through history that…
  • Guild Name: Enemy Level: 2 (Working toward 3) Leader: Mechanism Forums: Extra: Recruiting all levels proving to be active for FB/BH/HH. Looking to do TW once preparations are complete.
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