logon the toon with the problem then run out side of the area so you get a area reset IE if your in arch run outside then click a mob when you leave safezone
i was wondering what happend to my BANK toon i had a half set of g16 HA and multi g16 weps and a ton of packs and tokens sent a ticket never got a responce i mean WTF delete peoples toons smart pwi this game is going to hell
i have been playing pwi a long time now and am unhappy with the way the game has went if i could get a refund i would but the **** wont refund my account and delete it so looks like iam forced to keep playing or have my costly toon just sit there doing nothing and its BS we cant sell our accounts way to lock ppl in pwi
running while casting is awesome but is sucks only this 1 class can do it its a little unfair archers and wiz psy venos mystic casters should atleast have a few running casting skills now
Wtf Lag My *** Of Then Dc All Day Fix This **** Ppl Will Play Non Broken Games
Perfect World Brave and the Beautiful