Right right right... lets lvl restrict the instance at 85 that you get a questline for at 75... Oh thats a smart move... Chances are all you people calling for 85 fced past that questline to even know about it and the 1 million or so exp reward for completing it.... Smooth move dumbassb:shutup P.S. Bring back goons and all…
Exhibit A that your theory is wrong.... He 2 shots a barb at the beginning of the videob:chuckle While I personally don't like the game I still give him credit for how he plays a rank recast sin
I can't believe the words are coming out of my mouth.... But ^ this The elitist attitudes of many high lvls is why we don't get or have many new people in large numbers
I couldn't answer that... Said she put it into her account stash to transfer from one toon on the account to the other. When she relogged it wasn't there and she has continously checked all characters on that account and came up empty... Ticket is being reviewed last she mentioned it I do believe she has given up searching…
Had a guildy lose a warsong belt recently.... or was it her cube neck??? Either way its gone and she has been pissed about it ever since
Even though they are jokes I could get behind either one of those... Lets even the playing field in nw and see how good some of these people really
first and foremost pls engrish And yes we all knows its uneven blah blah blah... I critted a cleric tonight for 20 on my 101 sin with vana daggs... Pisses me off but oh well... Even I won't drop the kind of cash to compete with these people... I just use nw to farm my recasts and go on about my business
I here by introduce into evidence... exhibit A I hate this guy he is so hard to kill oh dammit this is a necro
So hows that gun control working out for china.... It doesn't matter what the tool is, if somebody wishes to kill people in large numbers then there is nothing to stop them from doing so. They will use what ever tools are available.... 40-45 kids dead.... no... there are thousands of kids that die everyday around the…
It would be balanced if it said to hell with it... A 4 man squad of r9 +12 each nation should get one member of that squad regardless... I know its more complex than that I just wanted to put it out there as simply as possible... Balance means that exactly... Balancing... As we have it now people are sticking together in…
Umm... This did start when you turned snow on I believe... And people were crashing frequently when nw was first introduced due to the increase in server population during that time. So in theory nw causes a massive server strain in its own right then you couple that with snow which lags and crashes many peoples computers…
wow so few people play the objective... I have been enjoying myself with my sin... though I am extremely skittish... I only come out of stealth to take out certain priority targets clerics, psy's or archers... and to immobolize or stun the flag carrier... beyond that I hide and wait like the squishy fish I am b:avoid
Or split the squads in after they go to start the war... no matter what... if you have a squad of 4 people each person goes to its own nation.... Thats not a refined answer I know
lol... Lets not forget that on friday light went from dead last to first place to b:surrender
Nice vid Off subject but the fact that you invited your faction in the same bf's is part of the problem with balancing issue for the nw. To be truely equal your 9 man squad should have been split 4 ways with the 9th going to a random nation. Rematch I wouldn't mind. I am normally anti pk but I really enjoy the capture flag…
When we first relogged nobody could move and it was still fairly even... However that big yellow line down the middle of the map became an impassible barrier that was priot to crash dark nation territory or in the least bit conflicted. After the the crash however no one could invade those tiles or move around them except…
yea that.... lol it hadn't even been a full minute wtf
ZOMG FIX IT!!!!!b:laugh
I would agree with most of what you said... ok everything lol. The issue comes down to I think the age group of the players and how long it takes them to get to what I have referred to as elite status in the game. The 100+ people working on or in end game gear. Way back when most of us who were over 70 or 80 worked at…
To answer your question +7 or 8 is equivalent to +5 r8 daggs
Says the guy in full rank 9 who made an *** of himself by using the dq drop skill and joking in world chat about making millions from it..... I have no pity for you b:bye
Its a yes and no... The elite groups it seems that do this, do a big push early on in the war and after about 45 minutes to an hour (according to wc remarks) they aquire about 5k points or so and then they go back to archo and wait for there payout. The second hour is when you start seeing empty bf's and the even balanced…
You are correct in that and most people you can time it and wait... This guy just kept going for several minutes lol which apparently flipped my leeroy switch cause I just kept going back in lol like I said defintion of insanity... Keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different resultsb:chuckle Yea you…
I would agree with you but if you look in that ss you see people from the big tw faction with 3rd cast nirvana and r9... Mayhem and Crimson only recruit 100+tw people. I was in mayhem up until a short time ago where I left due to work cutting into my ability to participate in tw. This guy didn't even move from the tank…
I got a ss lol You can see in this picture there are a confirmed 9 vs just him... He already killed the other half a couple times this was my 4th time running back I thinkb:surrender Definition of insanity I know b:sad The end result…
fought a full r9 sin today... I say fought more like died with style repeatedly. This is just stupid a sin should not be able to tank 20 people and then when they all get close enough just one shot aoe the group and run away... This guy was insanely tough to kill... ok my rant over sry b:surrender
I agree with skai on this one... although sometimes I mis plan and my shadow teleport is on cooldown... So I know where they are going and the map shows me where they are... I can holy path in front of them and use any number of control skills as they run by... Will stop them in there tracks 9 times out of 10
101 doesn't get blessings... or maybe I did it wrong... Each npc I talked to during nw had nothing for meb:sad
Sin tactics I am learning so far.... STAY IN STEALTH Avoid low hanging fruit and easy kills That cleric or wizz sitting somewhere out in the open alone... Is either a trap or a distraction. If your team has the flags stay in stealth run along side but at a safe enough distance so you don't get hit by aoes. Continously hit…
I had no idea but I was extremely curious why people outside of nw were normally one shots and inside it was like omg this is a challenge... I have been making jokes about nations being rigged, or some voodoo was at play... Or maybe it was just me as a failed sin couldn't kill a 90 something wiz.... But now it makes more…