Sigh, this still an issue (but then, what does get fixed these days? I don't think there has been a proper bug fix in months). I got it while running, not attacking or anything, just running. Died soon after to a couple of r9rr sins, saw them coming, though I knew moving wasn't doing anything as my pet was standing still.…
If something doesn't oneshot you, unless it does things like amp, stun, purge, etc (tao doesnt); then you can solo it. Worst-case scenario is you tank it yourself, spam healing, while storm mistress beats on it. When mistress takes aggro, you summon another. It's long and arduous, but it works...
Forgot about this, but yeah I can confirm (not that confirmation is really needed, since it shows it in the database and it's just gonna be tested on a test server anyways...).
Yeah I went with lime at first, but i didn't notice that the OP typed in orange, so when I hit post, I couldn't tell the difference, so I had to edit it to something different :3 in retrospect, black or white or something woulda been best, but I was just like "What's a colour...? Blue's a colour!" and rolled with it :3
They didn't even mention vit D:
Harpy is still ridiculous when he starts purging, but I can kill most of the other WBs (takes forever though...) I've never tried to solo incarcerate, though I tank it a lot... I wonder if it will get locked =P there's no point, really...
The... what? Also, I'm not sure what you're asking? If a mag build is right for a caster? Isn't that, well, the norm? Sure other builds can work, but I'm really confused as to why you might think anything other than pure magic would be the 'basic' build... Sure, you mention veno, and venos can be pretty much anything, but…
Woman drivers.... b:avoid
The fact that mobs take a while to notice they're dead? :P
No need to bump, it was said that even though they may not reply, that doesn't mean the GMs don't read the threads :)
Mystic pets have a "flight mode" and a "ground mode".when in "flight mode", they don't get stuck. So they're coded differently in some way, that difference should be changed in veno flyers...
And it's not a description error o.o
firstly, wrong place to post this secondly, it's just wrong. mystical eye still works, I use it all the time. I don't think you can use it within a safe zone...
This should probably go here
Great, exactly the kind of post I was hoping for xD It didn't occur to me to search the technical forum, that was a bit of a failb:surrender
That sounds likely. When a mob respawns, it's not a new mob, is it? It has the same ID has the mob it is replacing. If it died with a seal or something, for a fraction of a second after spawning it is sealed. Therefore it makes sense that for a fraction of a second, the pet could have aggro towards it... I'm fairly sure it…
And there was me confused by me being rednamed on the forum. Edit: damnit it keeps swapping which acc I'm logged into.... meant to post from Synta :(
Yeah, I set about trying to format a bug report, and ended up just coming to the forum to say what you just said - that there's no point in a step-by-step report when all that's involved is -Summon -Bugged? -If no, summon again -Will now be bugged Edit: Oops, this is Synta btw, other acc xD
Some people are a bit misinformed - the mobs, including the goalie, dont hit hard at all. It's the goal (portal thing) itself that attacks you, as people have mentioned, if you're in PK mode. I'm not sure what it is that it doesnt like - swords or red name or what, it's happened to me before but only once, and I'm always…
Let the dance-off... BEGIN!
Dreamweaver had a string of lunars a couple of weeks back, I think 6 or 7 in a row?
Fought a cleric for over 45 mins before :( Then my buffs died and I followed not too long after \o/ (I was outgeared and outskilled, buffless I didn't stand a chance) That xD
Nope, I'm British D:
Quickily and sluggishily are wrong in British English =/
Err, which words? SweetieBot, can you show me a picture of WaffyTacky, please?
I feel we're going in circles.... SweetieBot, please kill Thriv. Ta.
Ossum... Sooooo.... SweetieBot, what is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?
Oh Deep Thought, plea- No, wait SweetieBot, what is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?
... I think you have problems