Margulis - Lost City Arc User


  • LOL he edited the original post to link to our website now.
  • Seriously? Trying to use RQ to get some attention? What a fail.
  • This makes sense... RedHawk is on CQ KoS list, doesn't scare us.
  • They aren't scared to fight an uneven match either, and what does that matter. Open pvp is open pvp, if you want to 1v1 go duel in town. Also seeing how this is a pk server, and seeing how RedHawk has been here since beta, I think you give RQ too much credit when it comes to "pk".
  • This is a game, and we're on a pvp server. We're playing this game to have fun, pvp is a way to test your abilities vs other players. A random pk guild who says they pk with no PERSONAL VENDETTA has no reason to "put fear" into another guild. How does this make us weaker? The only way a person can be afraid of dying to you…
  • First of all, Unbeautiful is not in RedHawk. Second of all, you are REALLY god damn stupid to repeat exactly why he pointed out you're an idiot. REDHAWK DOES NOT HAVE OFFICIAL KOS, and it DOESN'T make sense for anyone to even think of "fearing" us when we pk for FUN not to prove we're better than anyone.. Seriously dude no…
  • Actually yes there is a waiting list. It's amazing how people like you just assume that RedHawk is a guild of pricks because thats how you feel when you want to PK someone. RedHawk is an extreamly diverse faction that has members who have friends in just about EVERY faction on the server. However this is no reason to halt…