Malxatra - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Cool, thanks! Thread can be closed now.
  • This is pretty irrelevant, but I was in that squad! We were all like "Where did Cornellia go?" Small world after all b:pleased Glad to see everything is fixed :)
  • I was hoping I had made that point clear enough. I'm not necessarily talking about r9 thresholds. In any case, if you can hold out for those 8 seconds, you have a very good chance at fending off an attack. Your avatar tells me you're a 101 wiz on a PvP server. Surely you must have some tactics against sins? Perhaps you…
  • One of the biggest problems that psys and wizzies have are overcoming sin gank, as we're so squishy and sins can deal so much damage. As long as the gear/level difference isn't too unfair, I feel that psys are perfectly capable of managing sin gank with the tools that they have available. There's so many sins that are…
  • I personally do not have the option to spend money on the game, but I have the time, so if I want to get some zen I have to do offers. All I've ever bought from the boutique are some wings that make gameplay much easier in general. Doing this has made me sharper to the economics of PW, because it forces me to find…