This game have to much major bugs to fix and all what we have is some little text fix.Maybi someone need to fired more "wonderfull" dev and programmers,so we can get finally some bugs fixed.
Even if you have money that dont mean you need to spend euro on something pointless like game.That is just game and isnt your real life.So if you cant enjoy the game better delete and keep away from comp. About ppl who yell for R9 armors what is expensive well i dont care.Im using some morai+awakened lion,but dosend matter…
Game is already died since they are no new players except alts.One game whithout new players isnt game anymore!!!!!
FB connect down,Missing Heavens Tear server to,DQ Reward page dosend work to.But could we be surprice from stupidity from dev and GM in this game and him **** work???? b:shutupb:shutupb:shutupb:shutup
They dont give and one single **** to players,but they care only for your money.They dont get any communication between GM/mod/players+they dont care what players are saying.PWE are looking afther players here like "bank for money"
Bunch of **** like explication.They gonna be bann ppl for some days,maybi whit some of luck for 1 months.And when they can to log on again gonna be keep all him orbs.This game is totaly pointless now.Almost evryone of my friends quit this bul**** and most of them are spend $$.Well isnt me who gonna be lose money.PWI YOU…
F..K OFF PWI this crappines is already expired and you are say till "Sunday".I see you so dump just to made any compensation for this game.So pointless!!!So keep this bul**** for your fat a..s.This game is trash!!!
Only for English?? Hmm wonder why i see and other language using on this forums for example french,russ,chine etc.And they never was bann or supp. You are patetic!!!If you dont understand bulgarian go to school and learn something or use google traduction