i has to do hw before bed D:
looks like you watching tv.. o: whatcha watching??
i see kitties.. D: more hamsters pwease~ i gives you flowerz :3 b:cute
b:chuckle ish funny.. i read part of it x:
they so cute :3 everyone wuvs them too~
it says image expired D: </3 edit: o: i sees it now D: unless you changed it D:<
Swings are better~! :3 i has a friend with me too~ :3
im ready for battle D:
princess in the egg castle? o:
^_^ such a cute magic hamsta~ XD *pets* ill take an orange now! :3 yum~
*joins the fun~* <3 isla for showing mai this thread XD *pets magichamsta* x3 hi you~ b:cute
wow.. D: i actually signed in and ish posting in forums.. D: *usually just reads* i love this >.< <3 gonna try with me pencils :3