Hi. I`m fairly new to PWI and tbh I have run into a few players that seemed quite immature, they might have been young or old irl but their attitude in game sucked. Any of the ppl that have been rude to me or some1 else that I have witnessed have mostly been high lvl players, ( especially with the xmas event ), but as a…
Hi all. 1-- When you receive a quest ,it would be nice to have a lvl suggestion added so you can organize your questing better and not run head long into a quest you cant complete because your lvl is too low. 2-- Quicker respawn for herbs/logs etc... or more spread out around the game world. 3-- World chat etc should be…
Hi. I understand most classes can use bows which is a good thing but like so many games of this type the high lvl peeps always get the better deal. Which in the majority of cases turns them into ignorant five year olds, ( sorry, but its true ). Anira_jhol, I understand your point but it is possible for the game techies to…
Hey. I have noticed that alot of high lvl players also seem to think that the whole area belongs to them which with the extra buffs and a bow they dont give other low lvl peeps a chance. I personally saw a guy say about this to another player and he got bitched at by high lvl players because he was getting in their way.…