yea but the smart people your talking about actually farmed some of their gear so know what its like to farm mats with lower lvl gear, where as heavy CSers bought all their gear and has not a clue what its like to farm your own gear.. so again the heavy CSers that bought their way to endgame complain about a instance that…
lmao thats gross and true
1 reason i hate heavy cash shoppers is cause they rush to endgame so fast then buy all endgame gear +10-12 it then complain that pve is to easy lol of course they dont know what its like for a light CSer or someone that doesnt CS at all.. like how pwi listened to the complaining of these heavy CSers and made 3-X tt much…
worked for me today finally :D seems they removed the 1 aday limit so that fixed it for me b:pleased
Giving zen/gold rewards would be interesting but no way they would do it since it would drive down gold prices over time which they dont want, same can be said for not allowing coins from TW be used in the gold AH. Having a negative effect for owning alot of land sounds like a good idea tbh because if a faction is so…
isnt buying/selling accounts not allowed? lol and why did you actually do something so dumb?if you dont have the original e-mail account it was linked to he could just say your a hacker and get it back :o like he did
i finally was able to get a blessing but it spammed my FB page with 17 messages saying i received a blessing lol
dp page is down for me too as well as the blessing page lol
i dont have this problem with my other account but only with this one b:angry im not going to like forsaken world since i dont like it b:spit
i dont know about gems but added stats from the armor itself like hp, mp, def, evade ect.. add to the pets stats :o only check for hp really but seem about 6% of added hp from your equip goes to your pets hp :O at my lvl anyways with the rank 1 gear Edit:just tested adding hp shards to my equip and my pet got a hp boost…
lamo thanks b:shutup didnt notice it kinda tired
not sure if this is the right place for this but my sin has like white spray paint on its face o.O i never tried to modify the skin color on my sin.. this happened to my sin after last weeks maintenance.. i also noticed that not all other TB chars had it only female TB but only some =\ is it just me or is this a bug?