I vote for StudmuffinIX b:laugh
I understand gold losses and they can be frustrating but they said themselves that they would be reimbursing people, sooo literally you have only lost a week of gameplay type things......woo
Im surprised people care this much, you lost a day of pwi...big woop, how serious people take this game never ceases to amaze me
Man, all this rage over tubies almost makes me feel like i should start playing mac again.............yep nope.............yeah.....too many fail trolls in general to justify bringing him back, i couldnt provoke enough lulz anymore b:cry
Because these words should always be remembered
^FALSE archosuar came out before RT
^thats me btw
well i can already tell how annoying this thread is gunna get lol
nah cable i totally type slower man
FALSE I blamed it on sins not cash shoppers
AP yi? nah bro Magewick is how ya roll b:mischievous
ahhhh time for king blue name to rear his ugly face b:laugh fact: I was not always king blue named, i actually participated in PvP alot in the quote "good old days" few here might be able to remember fact: why did i revert to always being blue? simple, the only balanced PvP on this server is in TW now days and you dont…
lol i havent said anything really on the forums here for like what...5 days? and i jump on here and see ppl still trying to come at me come at me bruh, keep going b:laugh
Barb: Accident Veno: _Mizandry (she pretty much quit tho) BM: Shimizau Wizard: _CurseD (i never get his name right) Assassin: Metridium Psychic: Emancipation Archer: PulseOfHell Cleric: Yasnani Mystic: Praxalis Seeker: AeonChild (most will prolly disagree with me but this is out of personal experience with the lot of…
yep, all the time, you know me, just cant stop, i think thats why i love you so much b:dirty
holy ****......walls of text much? tl:dr
lol daaaaaamn am i supposed to feel bad or feel insiginificant now? cause i really dont, i think i lulzed so many times in that last post proski, ty for that, tyvm
I apologize if my use of common Internet slang has caused you grief in your attempts to read my posts. Beyond this point I do not see how what i have said is unreadable of course Captain Obvious you take time out of your day to reply to a post on a forum..... if it didnt matter, if i was a "Fly" then i suppose your time…
did i say that? 0.o nope, hell if you have fun following proski go for it, (funny tho that you say this considering this is what ya all ALWAYS seems to say about nem's people)
for being so insignificant i sure as hell cause alot of QQ youd think if i was a gnat/fly or other insect you would have been able to swat me by now....hmm lack of swatting skills or im indeed not an insect, that is the only 2 conclusions there and since when did insulting someone make you look good 0.o, that seems to be a…
ride on his coat tails? from what i recall i never once used my association with proski to better my odds.......yep cant remember when i ever did that.....hmmm are you talking about being in a faction that he was leader of? oh well in that case alot of people "ride" on his coat tails, and im not trying to build my own…
lol why defend? im merely sharing an opinion, if you dont like it so what? yes it will and ill show you why in a lil bit lol, and also was i talking about just you? nonono i was talking about the group that seems to go around with you guys exactly, this is one recent example, but what about when a certain group of people…
I agree and this sucks is what im saying I get this, but what im trying to get across is, why only 2? why not 3? or 4? or even 5? im not mad about there being sides, im sick of only 2 factions really controlling the tw dynamic on the server
lol yeahhhh
Why does there have to be "sides" at all, this entire A vs B, Ascend VS Nem, Elusive VS Narla, (Red VS Blue?) dynamic on this server really does kinda suck. why cant we have factions/people who look at it as a game and NOT try to take sides? it seems like there is some whacked out philosophy on here that wherever the…
uhh no man, open PK, you can dual anywhere, but open PK can be alot more fun with the right environment b:laugh
and who are you? lol sounds like someone is QQing hard
ohhhh those, ok yeh, i thought u ment like a kill proski tournament or sumthing like that and was like 0.o
proski tournaments? what does this mean? and because of the new skills i might be venturing into pk a lil more often, i may check this spot out lol
nope lmao cause again i never dead scouted, if i was asked to dead scout i prolly would have politely declined, not cause its a bad position (scout is actually crucial to leading) but because I would be a horrible dead scout, id just sit and **** about being bored lmao, so yeh never dead scouted. idk maybe learn who a…