No.. I fail to give a damn.. What I put on my character effects you how? riight it doesn't. Corrupt? wow, now I'm breaking a law by asking for something to be put in the game..nice.. Since you fail to understand what an opinion is.. I'll let you look it up, I don't feel like teaching you the difference. I think its funny…
No, your the one who wrong.. A. just like everyone else, you are sharing YOUR opinion. B. turn your view a different way.. No one is making you look at the characters. c. Its a FREE mmo, so if you feel like you wanna leave.. dont get back on the game. Someone said whats the point of it being in the game? what the point of…
Disturbing? What is this.. high school? Disturbing is seeing a character that is about 120lb running around with triple D size bust.. that's disturbing, adding a MALE swimsuit is far from disturbing... Idc about what other people are asking for, I'm asking for speedos.
No thanx, you can go do that alone... Wow, I see we have a lot of one sided ppl... So I take it none of you never saw the male swim team or the swimming Olympics? I guess you can tell the mature folks from the kiddies.. =P