f:victoryPics, pics, pics! f:victory I looked at some youtube videos and i think i will get Intuos Pro Small.It has a touch function and the wireless kit is included (Intuos 5 has no wireless kit,have to buy it separately bleh).That's the only difference between Pro and 5 from what i saw. But first of all, i will have to…
Yepp Si_ri has black hair now. Also i've been putting aside money for a new laptop since months lol.My old one won't even allow me to use photoshop anymore.... : < lagging like there's no tomorrow. Will get a Wacom Intuos 5 (no touch) for Xmas or sometime early in 2014.Had a Bamboo before(for 4 years) so i want to get…
It's nice to see that you are back,Miko. I was checking the forums every now and then,as i mostly stopped playing PW.Well don't know if checking auction house daily counts as playing........... Waiting for a new laptop so i can play another game.Have to get a new tablet after that cuz my old one broke......*sighs* Saw that…
These are the sets i use the shoes for. f:cute Only liked the gloves and shoes from the set,so i sold the rest.b:chuckle It also looks good with a black maid top(or wayfarer top in white as the bow is pink)+ wayfarer bottoms (white)+shoes. Also tried a black fairy dress+ princess shoes and gloves in black.It was ok but not…
You have to rate someone before you get rated.
Last time i checked demon amp was 26 seconds (not 21) with 25% debuff. Sage being 30% for 20 seconds.
Finished my culti yesterday on my veno.I went demon.b:victory I have to say i LOVE LOVE LOVE the speed i get from demon fox form.I can keep up the speed of 9.9m/sec all the time by switching fox form on/off.Still have to lvl Summer Sprint to 3 Dx . Learned Bramble Guard and Venomous Scarab too. Even tho i saw some threads…
I wasnt very active lately,sorry about that. After finishing Angel's sin i was pretty unhappy,with my style and coloring.Had many difficulties with the daggers and hands for i didnt touch a pen for weeks after that. Anw long story short,i have a new coloring style (again) yay,which i just discovered yesterday…
Opened all (CV side) till CV 22 on my psychic.Will get a few stones in 15 mins will try to break CV22 open as well.Hope im lucky. The stats i got this far: Max HP +40 Physical Attack +11 Magic Attack +11 Phys. Defense +12 Mag. Defense +22 The number of living gates in CV22 is : 7. Oh joy...f:faint
Couldnt put into the AH: -books -molds -TT armor -shards Thats all i tested.b:surrender
@Venus: Thank you xD. I think my fave is your cleric,her style is very original.b:victory Nice vixen wrap btw.
Had fun with it!Thanx for sharing. My cleric Style/personality: sneaky, confident, sexy, cold My psychic Style/personality: cute, sometimes cold, fancy My mystic Style/personality: simple/casual, playful, social, caring My veno (normally she is a bat veno but there were no batwings for the head :< ) Style/personality:…
25 gold for a 1000x bundle 45 for a 2000x bundle at the current gold prices in sanctuary it will cost 299 mil to get a new pet... f:gross
25 gold for a 1000x bundle f:gross
Are Chienkun Stones needed for reshaping the pet stats or changing the mood of a pet?Or can it be done without them?b:surrender
Happy Birthday!f:cute Share the cake!! f:sneaky
I LOVE the new kitty pants.b:chuckle Turned my cleric into a sneaky cat.
Amazing,you managed to capture their personality so well.Love the poses you used. <3 Thank you very much.
Hey Venus can u add this to the guide? I thought people knew about it but there was a question regarding this on the forums and it seems that this kind of editing is rather unknown. Im talking about this: Actually u can create an "infinite" number of earthguard types just take a face tex and then change the bodyID to…
OH!My old mystic. O-O This was a result of a combination of face texture and body number. Lemme see if i can dig up the preset somewhere. @Zanryu:I know right?I wasnt that good in face editing back then so thats the best i could do.b:victory EDIT: This is the face tex u have to use: idFaceTex = 1122 The bodyID should be 2…
Here is Angel_Spawn...without hands....b:surrender Im really sorry that it takes so long im almost going nuts here cuz i just cant get the hands and daggers right.....*sigh* my incompetence scares me...anw off to another 6th one..b:shutup Hope you like it so far tho..will add the tattoos later. I will add everyone…
@Ziraia: I like the blonde version of your bm better.I cant really see much of the other screenie but i like to color combination in the first one better. I would give her a 4/5 Her eye makeup seems a bit too strong in comparison with the softness of her skin and hair color. I have been experimenting with male hair…
Hello! I just saw this thread and had HAD HAD to try and get a drawing drawn by you. I really like your style and it inspires me to get off my lazy butt and try to improve(as im still stuck in an "animeish" style).But its pretty difficult as i get annoyed if i dont get something right at the first few times and then i quit…
@Nayeli and_Jibrille_: You have to rate other characters before u get a rating.If you just want to post pictures of you character without rating anyone else,you should try the "Love your perfect character" thread.b:surrender
I would be a mystic (love nature,plants,i got to heal animals with my "summon heal" skill and with my res buff i would be immortal \o/ ) or a cleric (providing rez to my family and friends if something happens ,heal and purify if they are sick lol,also love the thought of using chromatic seal and silent seal on my teacher…
Here,these are the concrete codes i use for tb skin. These are meant ofc for tb's with eg face texture. 1. colorFace = -1057088 colorBody = -531825 This one doesnt match 100% but is a more natural color. 2. colorFace = 14406337 colorBody = -840 ThIs one matches very well,but the skin color u get from it is rather pale. Try…
I used to make videos...a few years ago. This one..i think...was one of the best videos i made. LOL i just realised that vid was made in 2008.I was 15 back then b:laugh Time passes too fast >.> I could TRY to help you,tho i dont have sony…
^Likes to compliment people.(thus he is nice xD ) Well if you want a siggy u have to ask Silvy or the other siggy makers. :P If you want a DRAWING for that siggy then you can request one in my thread.f:fan
^Does an awesome job on the forums.b:pleased
Winged Elf Collection- Part 2 [3Parts]scaleUp = 142scaleMiddle = 137scaleDown = 100[BlendFace]idFaceShape1 = 23idFaceShape2 = 23blendFaceShape = 50[Face]scaleFaceH = 122scaleFaceV = 131idFaceTex = 5[Faling]idFalingSkin = 434idFalingTex = 436[Forehead]offsetForeheadH = 128offsetForeheadV = 128offsetForeheadZ =…