i have spent countless dollars on this game and i have never got an email yet about this. it says if you have ever spent money u will get it too and i have got nothing!! boooo
yeah iseen the space thing I did that and it says code has expired but it says it good until tonight at midnight? do they still have it disabled?
hello I just came back from a 2 year leave and just discovered the code, but seen this forum post and tried code but it says invalid how do I go about redeeming for my account? 100 seeker- LordVengence
im lvl 86 and i ont know how to get the lvl 80 skill if i cant join an order yet or go to morai ? whatd the eal with the angels of justice skill?? plz anyone help clue me in ty.
yeah same here patcher just seems to be doing nothing, start button is lit up like its ready but it just closes itself and the manual thing come one im no computer genius just want to play a game tht i was on no more than 9 hours ago and now new patch and no game wtf anyone fig out y this is happening yet or what?
yeah same problem here it says game version is 670 but pather has been updating for hours and everything is in a dif language :( whats going on?